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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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cf678d33 No.3737607

that feeling when you're just chilling, and some random gay guys just calls you while masturbating.

cf678d33 No.3737608

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-_- and that other feeling when they say you sound more gay than they do.

cf678d33 No.3737609

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I mean, I sound a little flamboyant, but I blame it on the fact that I have an accent from nowhere due to moving around so much, and talking a slight falceto due to psychology classes.

Seriously, when you're the only guy in a class full of women for years, and "mansplaining" is a thing, you eventually adopt at least a little bit of a lisp to downplay your masculinity, if for nothing else.

Especially when you're a 6'2 slab of mustachio'd testosterone.

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