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56f12873 No.3737227

If you head near one and you look at them close do you feel unsettle or warm?

c5e6c20c No.3737228

File: 1712699609105.png (2.19 MB, 1298x1601, gay65755.png)

You cut a hole in the crotch and stick a pocket pussy in it and its a cheaper sex doll.

I've heard about it before.

cd3d3aca No.3737229

Because it reminds them that they are an equally empty vessel pretending to be more than it truly is.

Strange as it sounds you need to welcome Jesus Christ into your heart to get past that feeling.

”Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.“
‭‭John‬ ‭14‬:‭6‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Strange isn’t it? Christianity teaches we are all dead(zombies/puppets/mannequins) untill we are born again in Christ

56f12873 No.3737231

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add a tail buttplug?

56f12873 No.3737232

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b6d4258d No.3737252

Implicit body shaming. Same reason they can't allow realistic bodies in media anymore. Fatties get too shook. And unsurprisingly fattiest are the number one consumers of… well, just about everything.

fea96acd No.3737255

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> You cut a hole in the crotch and stick a pocket pussy in it

a7a955d1 No.3737258

damn u kno like dat shit got fuckin ass

e1318df1 No.3737268


Uncanny Valley effect; where the mannequin is a very close proximity to emulating a human appearance but its off just enough to trigger the subconscious that something is very wrong with this human like construct.

0dca537f No.3737271

It makes you wonder what kind of horror caused this reaction to evolve, and are those monsters still out there somewhere.

7ebae43a No.3737272

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e1318df1 No.3737275


Its how our ancestors identified mutations and other genetic aberrations to prevent perpetuating it. At the very least they were ostracized and at worst, killed to protect bloodlines instinctively.

56f12873 No.3737284

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Our ancestors built statue sculptures to make us feel monumental?

e1318df1 No.3737287


Nope, they built them to memorialize deeds and salve egos. I'm guessing your question was sarcasm.

8cf58e4b No.3737288

>When you said that fears can be evolutionary, it made me think. Have you heard of the uncanny valley? It's when something, like a doll, looks almost human, but there is just something slightly….off. For some reason, things that are almost humanlike, like a doll or a lifelike robot, are creepy and disturbing to almost all humans. Why is that? Well, too many people share this fear for it to be just something from their past. So then it must be evolutionary. Perhaps your caveman ancestors were sitting around the fire one night, then one of them noticed that the caveman across from him seemed…off. The smile was a bit too wide, he had just a few too many teeth, his skin was just a bit too tight. Then perhaps the caveman would notice that it was so, incredibly, quiet. He could not even hear the fire crackling, or the birds chirping. And then he would notice that the thing that was almost human was looking straight at him, grinning a too-wide smile. Or perhaps there is another reason that us humans have a fear of the uncanny valley. Who knows?

1895a006 No.3737294

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Dicks too small

c6a69990 No.3737299

The cental heating was broken and the repairman couldn't come until next Thursday.

1895a006 No.3737303

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1895a006 No.3737309

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Why did they make so many statues in Rome but none of them are guys fucking? Like come on, everyone know it happened.

We just wanted to see it. Its not gay.

d21555d7 No.3737314

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1895a006 No.3737318

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I don't really think Nap cat is that attractive.

No mouth, is a turn off. Because it takes a mouth to suck.

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