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File: 1712599971214.jpg (1.91 MB, 2250x3050, 110454711_p0.jpg)

3aa98943 No.3737122

Just a heads up, solar eclipse incoming. Take your animals inside, unless you want a blind pupper.

Having a seeing eye dog is a lot cooler than being a seeing eye human.

5cfad2d7 No.3737142

File: 1712612446788-0.jpg (2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 20240408_150626.jpg)

File: 1712612446788-1.jpg (1.35 MB, 4032x3024, 20240408_152015.jpg)

File: 1712612446788-2.jpg (1.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20240408_152107.jpg)

I was out of the path of totality this time, but I took some shitty pics anyway.

1f92b7e9 No.3737161

Fun fact. The sun is always there. It doesn't just show up for eclipses.

3d9249ff No.3737170

to see the eclipse, just pray that Michael Jackson comes back from the dead and gets in your sun.

3869a3cb No.3737210

You already came out as a zoo, posting sheepfucking in the another thread. Now even on a neutral topic you mentioned dog at least 3 times. Too obvious.

I understand it's hard to accept you have a neutered dog, but say thanks to spay propaganda since 2015. Anyways there are dogtraders who sell unspayed dogs to look at the eclipse with.

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