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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1712517970310.jpg (769.84 KB, 1923x1442, big_ass_unit.jpg)

e19054ba No.3737013

Who got clean af water? I got clean af water.

e19054ba No.3737014

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Yeah, my town recently got hit for being under federal regulations for our water quality, so I decided to step up my game.

I'm down for getting exploded, ran over, thrown off mountainsides, or the other endless ways I usually get killed. But I'll be damned if crappy water is going to put me under.

0a63a5ae No.3737156

Is that cum on the floor to the right of the shoe?

e19054ba No.3737157

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e19054ba No.3737159

but no, that thing got shipped in a box the size of a small house. Its just a piece of packaging that I missed. It was one of those box, within a box, within a box, within a box, within a box, within a box situations. All with their own fillers, it was a mess.

15a47d25 No.3737163

>using municipal water instead of having a well


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