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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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1e298973 No.3736953

What percentage of the furry fandom just sit on their asses collecting social services or welfare and act childish as they use that money to play computer games all day long?

e89d0aaa No.3736958

File: 1712453366714.jpeg (396.83 KB, 1121x2048, Etn_O19VEAAZ16a.jpeg)

That could have been me. I eventually got a full time job and it feels great to contribute to my boyfriend and I's present and future lives together.

The thing with SSI (monthly check) is you can't save your money and thus people in the system spend it all on frivolous bullshit. You literally cannot have over a fixed amount in your bank. Escaping the system is just about impossible once you've been on it a long time, you have a huge gap in your employment history. Its either homeless shelter/couch surfing until you can afford your own place, if you even can land a job.

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