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You messed with me~

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14e51116 No.3736831

gah, my town is flooded, and I live on high ground.

My house has been reduced to a place for my family to take a shit.

All my super awesome accomplishments, and the only thing I have to show for it is a working toilet. And solar pannels, not like anyone else in this cess pool has power.

14e51116 No.3736832

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seriously, people lose their cellphones, and suddenly they go mad. Suddenly it goes from "oh hey avoid that freak, he's insane" to "oh hey neighbor, can we use your charger?"

14e51116 No.3736833

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I've made so much money charging cellphones, you have no idea.

14e51116 No.3736834

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Plus I'm the king of poop world, 1 dollar to make boom, and go on your way, god I love taking advantage of people.

14e51116 No.3736835

the river is so high that the sewer system isn't working, but me being up on my pedestal, my toilet still works.


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