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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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c2d2d108 No.3736807

FtM's with MtF's thread.

e9063183 No.3736808

Kill yourself.

c2d2d108 No.3736810

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It never takes, I'm unfortunately immortal.

c72f0139 No.3736841


Abberants and freakshows. Die in a fire. No one accepts you; they hide their contempt and save their laughter when you're out of earshot.

c2d2d108 No.3736844

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seriously, you can snap my neck and I'll just get back up. I've even recovered from a direct hit from an rpg.

Not even talking in hypotheticals, I literally just come back to life even with a shattered spine and annihilated rib cage. Not even radiation can kill me.

c2d2d108 No.3736846

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I'm probably the only person who can have my spine and neck shattered, be completely out of blood, and still drive my self to the hospital.

Mind you I did pass out in the e-room lounge, but I did get there.

bcfdcf76 No.3736847

It's only a matter of time.

12a48595 No.3736860


If Steam were a Dalek he would scream INSEMENATE and squirt goop everywhere.

138d66d1 No.3736865

Is that AI? Human bodies aren't supposed to look like that. Uncanny valley shit.

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