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You messed with me~

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File: 1712265590230.jpeg (380 KB, 1080x810, Ef1BuvoU4AA84ys.jpeg)

e07423e3 No.3736752

Lulz should be forced anon without IDs.


e1265794 No.3736754

File: 1712271713980.jpg (215.13 KB, 800x1128, 5cf70d0f48a83f6a2740765a13….jpg)

Lulz should give every user a unique silly name that remains the same for all threads and that can't be gotten rid of by deleting cookies or using a proxy.

84577986 No.3736756

File: 1712273443007.jpg (79.61 KB, 850x707, gay56343.jpg)

Its all fun an games until your a guy with a Female Stripper name.

Right Destiny?

8a9ab4da No.3736758

Only samefags would want the ID gone.

63a0faa9 No.3736787

I miss the random names one of the older board builds had. It confused dumbasses who came in and didn't realize the names were generated.

50912364 No.3736791

File: 1712308047779.jpg (41.91 KB, 612x393, istockphoto-91702654-612x6….jpg)

I'd be game for that. Xbox live gave me the random name of "RopeyCupid69" and I was like… fuck it, lets go live.

I've been using it for my rando accounts ever since.

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