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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1712207891033.gif (4 MB, 358x228, c94ac0bca3d20ae0c3da701305….gif)

b34f6051 No.3736632

In case anyone wonders why lulz was down, Mix attempted to use red text. The result killed the server.

c663a21b No.3736635

File: 1712208517812-0.jpg (9.53 KB, 309x300, niggered.jpg)

File: 1712208517812-1.jpg (43.93 KB, 800x450, F6IlZ4MWIAAlHFp.jpg)

Expect nothing less from an unmedicated whack job.

c7287d1b No.3736637

File: 1712208773820.jpg (191.44 KB, 2000x2000, viv6he5xnuo41.jpg)

Steam needs to catch up, or he'll be outpaced.

a57f1c1f No.3736641

we all kno he was mad

21eb7110 No.3736642

nah it wasnt anything cool like xz or something.
by the way uh…now its xyz

21eb7110 No.3736643

so what is the next aprilfools a lulzpass

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