69dbdc59 No.3734378
It's not about covid. It was never about covid. The vaccine is a loyalty oath. They don't want to be around people who didn't take the pledge. It's the same thing groups are doing when they brand or tattoo their members.
This kind of behavior is well documented.
https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model-pdf-download/ 212fe19e No.3734380
I've had covid 3 times, and I've had 4 "vaccines."
Shit doesn't work.
573bbbc0 No.3734381
>>3734380You need to take a booster twice a week chud.
212fe19e No.3734382
>>3734381yeah, I'm a simp. I don't have insurance that covers my bi-daily dosage of vaccine.
fdd7ba1e No.3734387
I'm expecting anthrocon to pull a last minute mask and vaccine policy bullshit.
a73034d7 No.3734429
>>3734380It "doesn't work" because someone in your surrounding didn't get it.
91694a22 No.3734430
This entire post sounds like some "conservative" furries that were part of burned furs whining about on why big cons like MFF don't ban nsfw stuff so it will appeal only to themselves, instead of going to the smaller SFW con.
a0172e7e No.3734432
Spoiler: there was never any "covid" (it was the flu rebranded), the deathshot was planned for over a hundred years, a lot of people by now are brainwashed/poisoned/destroyed or want to die (or want to kill others), and OP's pic is pretty funny.
(This and anything related to it is in no way over BTW.)
>>3734380It's the injection making people sick, plus the toxic living environments (this is a big subject) and occasional spraying in certain areas. I know you're not dumb and on some level know this.
(Pic unrelated.)
>>3734377OP, are you new here?
>>3734378How about you?
212fe19e No.3734450
>>3734432Well I disagree on the spraying, they haven't been fogging communities since my dad's era, and there are no chem trails. I was in the air force and worked in a secret squadron and handled decades of info, there are no chem trails.
Still like I said I've had Covid multiple times, and the vaccines made me way more sick than the actual disease.
I just have to get the shot because regulations I'm obliged to adhere by.
212fe19e No.3734451
If you're interested, I was in the 726th. Any info you find on it is innaccurate.
212fe19e No.3734454
it was really high stress, always having to be ready to leave within 30 minutes, we actually got to the point that we didn't even get the day off when someone committed suicide, which was pretty regular.
They called us the "hard rock" because our unit was a tenant, and we looked like a giant prison.
We were basically all psychos after a year there.
782c549d No.3743638
da8e5171 No.3743649
>>3734377There is nothing at all wrong with requiring vaccination for gatherings of people. The vaccines are safe. They have full and complete FDA approval.
https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/full-fda-approval-of-a-covid-19-vaccine-what-you-should-knowAnyone who does not have medical insurance that pays for vaccination can get free vaccinations from local organizations or public services.
The lunatic morons who believe nonsensical myths about vaccines do not matter. They are just as stupid and mentally ill as is (((Business Dog))).
And keep in mind, no one is forcing people to go to furry conventions. Any nutcase who has an irrational phobia about vaccines does not need to attend. The con will be all the better for having fewer lunatics present.
a336ce71 No.3743650
>>3743649> The vaccines are safeThere are no perfectly safe vaccines - complications and adverse reactions are always possible, such as the Moderna's vaccine causing inflammation of the blood veins, which resulted in blood clots in the lungs and brain.
If you vaccinate a healthy population that is already immune to the virus, you are causing more deaths and illness by the adverse effects of the vaccination than any disease you prevent.
a336ce71 No.3743651
Even if it's one in a million chance - if you vaccinate a million people who didn't need the vaccine, you're bound to be murdering one or two.
da8e5171 No.3743652
>>3743650>>3743651Peanut butter kills people (some who are allergic to peanuts)
Sex kills people (causing heart attacks, etc.)
So what's your point? That it is wise for everyone to not have sex? To outlaw peanut butter? Or do you only obsess about this one single topic, vaccine?
a336ce71 No.3743660
>>3743652Nobody's forcing you to eat peanut butter in order to enter a public venue.
Demanding vaccines and repeated boosters when the pandemic is over is idiotic, and shows how little these people understand about the matter, or that they're using it merely as a point of politics.
a336ce71 No.3743662
Imagine if there was a hotel whose manager insisted on each guest playing one round of russian roulette to enter the building.
What is the difference in principle to demanding people take a pointless vaccine that has a non-zero chance of causing them harm?
e705193f No.3743664
>>3743662It's not even non-zero. It's 1. The only question is whether its mild and negligible to your long term health, permanent heart damage, or instant death.
c23498b0 No.3743670
>>3743649if you don't have id, no vax. many people can't and won't get id. this shit was only designed as a cencus
8fd0e799 No.3743671
Why would I want to be welcomed at social gatherings when I can just live under a rock and squirt horse paste up my ass? I'm so much more enlightened than those sheep anyway. The fools with their "science" and "life experience" indicating no adverse effects.
9154fd92 No.3743672
>>3743660> Nobody's forcing you to eat peanut butter in order to enter a public venue. And no one is forcing you to go to a furry convention. You failed to read my post where I wrote "And keep in mind, no one is forcing people to go to furry conventions."
>>3743649 a336ce71 No.3743673
>>3743672>no one is forcing you to go to a furry conventionIndeed. The point is exercising power over you by denying you social contact - excommunication - unless you agree to take part in this pointless and harmful ritual to prove that you're "one of us".
Nobody's forcing you in - they're forcing you out.
9154fd92 No.3743674
>>3743673> The point is exercising power over you by denying you social contactToo bad. If you have an insane fear of vaccine then tough luck.
If the convention requires an entrance fee and you have an insane fear of exchanging money, then tough luck.
If the con has a dress code, no indecent exposure, and you have an insane fear of clothing then tough luck.
Get the fuck over it. No one is going to give you a special pass just because of your irrational phobia of vaccine.
d2c6b537 No.3743676
>>3743674"I pretend taxation is theft. That means I get out of paying taxes, right?" - every libertarian smoothbrain ever
a336ce71 No.3743685
>>3743674> irrational phobia of vaccineMoney is money, clothing is clothing, unnecessary medication is stupid.
It's like you're completely ignoring the point: governments around the world are no longer issuing boosters to the general population because of the ethical problem of causing more harm than good by unnecessary vaccinations. They're only recommending boosters for people in the highest risk groups, such as those who are immunodeficient or over 80.
Shutting you out of a social event because you aren't voluntarily involving in a dangerous and unnecessary activity is nothing more than social power play. They are keeping you out just to spite you.
a336ce71 No.3743687
> No one is going to give you a special pass
The point is, you shouldn't need a special pass in the first place. The vaccine is a special pass - a completely arbitrary hurdle to pass in order to please a bunch of assholes who discovered a way to bully people they disagree with on a political level.
I could take hundred boosters and probably be fine for it - that's not the issue. The issue is kowtowing to assholes who would do the wrong thing to exclude people who disagree with them.
8fd3c9c5 No.3743697
>>3734380>I've had a lethal disease 3 times… shit doesn't work.You sure are awful mouthy for a corpse.
8fd3c9c5 No.3743699
>>3743687The point is, you shouldn't need a special pass in the first place. Mandatory Voter ID is a special pass - a completely arbitrary hurdle to pass in order to please a bunch of assholes who discovered a way to bully people they disagree with on a political level.
0161a166 No.3743711
If I wanted to go to a local meet I would have to show the organizers proof of vaccination beforehand. The thing is, I *am* vaccinated, twice. I just don't want to deal with the sort of people whose man-ginas get wet when they have a modicum of authority. Fucking done with this community. Can't have a gathering in a public space where nobody in the general public needs proof of vaccination to be in proximity with the furries at the meet.
0161a166 No.3743713
>>3743711In b4 BD tells me I'm a Jewish FBI agent because I got vaccinated. I thought it was the right thing to do at the time.
541dd081 No.3743724
>>3743649Are you really saying that people should be forced to get a vaccine because their insurance will cover it if they get injured? That's the most insane shit I've heard in my life.
Your health is far more important than ANY amount of money. Maybe you're still to young to have figure that out. Enjoy it while you can. Being in your 30s is a different world when all your friends start getting chronic illnesses and dropping dead.
4563b8df No.3743725
>>3743724> Are you really saying that people should be forced to get a vaccine because their insurance will cover it if they get injured?No imbecile. I'm saying what I wrote. Insurance pays for vaccination, idiot.
4563b8df No.3743727
>>3743711> Fucking done with this community. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
4563b8df No.3743728
>>3743687> The vaccine is a special passPaying the entrance fee is a special pass too.
4563b8df No.3743729
>>3743673> The point is exercising power over you by denying you social contactThat's only in your imagination. That isn't even close to the real reason.
4563b8df No.3743730
>>3743685> Money is money, clothing is clothing, unnecessary medication is stupid. So other things are normal but making you face your special phobia "is stupid." So don't get vaccinated and don't go to conventions then. Problem solved.
09432426 No.3743742
862c8fbe No.3743784
>>3743699> Mandatory Voter ID is a special pass Precisely. You agree with the point. This isn't about establishment republicans vs. the other ones, it's about having common sense.
>>3743728>Paying the entrance fee is a special pass too.Paying an entrance fee is just paying for the event regardless of who wants to enter. A special pass means other things.
>>3743730>making you face your special phobia It's not about any special phobia, but a well-established principle. A vaccine on a healthy population will cause more damage than good, and will literally count for murder in terms of the people who get sick and die because of complications that were avoidable. This is why governments around the world are no longer mandating further vaccinations once the immediate threat of the pandemic ended.
9ade61d0 No.3743792
>>3743784You still are not going to get a special pass to conventions merely because you believe nonsensical myths about vaccines. Too bad for you!
0161a166 No.3743802
>>3743792Whatever you say, bud.
0161a166 No.3743806
Oh fuck off Mix. 90% of the shit you claim happened you think we will just automatically believe it. Proof or STFU
8bf9bf8b No.3743813
>>3743729Denying retarded Anti-Vaxers access to social events where they could spread disease sounds like a great plan to me.
Not allowing the unvaxinated is the closest thing we have to a no-morons allowed rule.
Next they need to ban anyone who voted for Trump. That will cut down on the people throwing tantrums and causing drama greatly.
8bf9bf8b No.3743814
>>3743784You think pointing out that Voter ID is a special pass you would love to see while complaining that vaccine mandates are a special pass and no special pass should exist is me AGREEING with you?
No, moron, I'm making fun of you for being a giant fucking hypocrite. Your kind never could tell when you're the butt of the joke. Guess your IQ is too low to keep up.
3a3cc0bd No.3743818
>>3743813> Not allowing the unvaxinated is the closest thing we have to a no-morons allowed rule. LOL, good one. 😄
3a3cc0bd No.3743819
>>3743814> Your kind never could tell when you're the butt of the joke. Guess your IQ is too low to keep up.Well he is an anti-vaxxer so of course he's a moron.
9154fd92 No.3743825
By the way, in the US, emergency room visits by patients diagnosed with covid are up 14.7% for the week of June 9 - June 15.
Hospitalizations for covid are up 25% for May 26 - June 1.
And deaths from covid are up 16.7% for the most recent week.
https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home c29866ac No.3743872
>>3743825I still don't know anyone who has even gotten it. Must be an amerimutt thing.
0161a166 No.3743925
You need to post screenshots, faggot. Didn't you once claim to have terabytes of files? Surely you could provide tangible drama, and not just "so and so did such and such" lazy drive-by trolling?