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40b03bf1 No.3734342

Furthemore is going on this weekend any drama from it yet?

01c3e403 No.3734344

They are still playing covid. The con was almost a ghost town. Gee I wonder why.

36dd33cb No.3734350


gonna go out on a limb and say "covid"?

84fb52fd No.3734361


a6f786f0 No.3750703

> They are still playing covid. The con was almost a ghost town. Gee I wonder why.
Because too many idiots were afraid of vaccine and died of the Chinese Virus that's why.

d3b38a18 No.3750716

Only the morbidly obese, elderly boomers, and faggots with full blown AIDS died from the COVID

It only killed those that deserved to die

21443fad No.3750748

> Only the morbidly obese, elderly boomers, and faggots with full blown AIDS died from the COVID
So most of the furry community then.

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