1e863db1 No.3733854
What happened to the search there? Have to use google to find something in u18chan.
4451d954 No.3733858
The search in u18 never worked(as far as I’m aware)
But now they have purposefully crippled the site in order to move people to the discord, where there is no anonymity. Individual threads still work if you have the link but the pages to find old or start new threads are still broken.
The only place you could discuss things would be here, however threads never linger very long, all categories are mixed, and it’s a ghost town.
2defe0b1 No.3733885
>>3733869You forgot to put the Star of David on his hat.
7b3ec631 No.3733889
>>3733885why would I do that?
1e863db1 No.3733892
>>3733885Don't be antirodentic.
7346d1c9 No.3733917
There is some comics on ex hentai
Can someone join their discord and ask how long u18 will be down? Its annoying.
0451135c No.3733933
>>3733917U18 will only be down for an additional 13 to the 100000 power seconds.
So don't fret. All will be better.
b15d5814 No.3733948
>>3733830U18 chan is such a hot mess it's not even funny..
not to mention their staff is so incompetent. Sure they have a discord but they just tell everyone "lol we don't care we are busy irl to fix it" despite having the hardware already set up
b59f3511 No.3741322
https://itaku.ee/ looks like Grindr tho
e35bde75 No.3748967
>>3733858Have anyone tested this theory?
8b201db3 No.3748971
This thread is bump locked. Uae the other, larger thread.