cc44c592 No.3719960
>>3719932Ew skinny stick boomer shit.
875bdc05 No.3719965
Are you both blind AND retarded?
03c11373 No.3720017
>>3720012I was thinking of other drawfurs comming back already or was it just a dream.
22a33f6e No.3720029
Just by the waifus here you see the average lulz user is over 30, probably over 35 years older.
22a33f6e No.3720036
>>3720031How old are you?
781da92f No.3722532
>>3719970I can't believe there's going to be an entire generation of furries that find this art style erotic. What hath man wrought upon the world?
28043f51 No.3742674
>>3722564Some sonic characters were at least drawn to be attractive, with boobs, bikini's, etc. Bluey isn't drawn to look like anything but boxy, dogs standing on two legs, without even an hourglass shape.
That is to say, bluey isn't a show designed to sexually attract anyone.
150cc820 No.3742708
>>3722564Sometimes, I have a quick realization that there are talented furry porn artists, who never saw 9/11, can't smoke or drink legally, and own guns while serving in the military.
Its those times that I half expect my dick to just fart out some dust
>>3742674>bluey isn't a show designed to attract anyone.Give me enough alcohol, and I'll jerk off to the statue of liberty. I'd glaze those bronze bazookas with my tired masses yearning to be free, if you know what I mean.
150cc820 No.3742749
>>3742712basically women were waring bras that were like cones, and they developed into them, and they made torpedo boobs.
Not much more on the subject to look into.
Other than being a huge fetish for the WWII and korean era guys.
I ran out of fetishes, so I've become somewhat of a conisoure.
1d9f251f No.3742870
>>3742781It's all natural seasoning, completely organic.