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File: 1694377834607.png (70.6 KB, 492x384, 31880muhajid_wojakal.png)

3141d903 No.3715045[Last 50 Posts]

We already have a "no /pol/ outside the /pol/ thread" rule.

We really need a "no cub outside the cub thread" rule.

The average user does not want to be subjected to CHILD PORN when coming to this site.

6bf73d0e No.3715049

You're implying that anyone follows rules here.

0d1dac87 No.3715056

File: 1694382775055.jpg (99.58 KB, 850x850, 73467.jpg)

> Can't wait until A.I. can make porn so realistic you can never know if it's real or not.
Some boards that allow 2d loli and shota already ban 3d porn in anticipation of the time it becomes indistinguishable from reality.

7ad6918e No.3715057

File: 1694383214285.png (78.87 KB, 360x203, doll.png)

Can you show me on the doll where the bad under age drawing hurt you?

Please, I know its hard. But we've gotta bust that sick freak.

d44ad141 No.3715063

I will be deleting anything resembling irl human child porn. Fuck you. Go whine to choob.

6e5dfafa No.3715064


>I will be deleting anything resembling irl human child porn

And yet, here it is, undeleted.

d44ad141 No.3715065


That's not "irl human". I mean the 3D/AI art.

872ae8c6 No.3715067

File: 1694403135013.png (596.42 KB, 1072x1169, Merenhor - cub sodomizing.png)

> I will be deleting anything resembling irl human child porn.
That seems quite reasonable. For some time, I've worried that some asshole might take a genuine, cp photo and Photoshop it just enough so it might pass as 3D art.

89fb4b7f No.3715069

Lol, you're just mad you can't shitpost your politics everywhere.

51213bdc No.3715072

Haven't people been convicted for "drawings" that were literally just tracings of real CP?

872ae8c6 No.3715073

File: 1694405013340.jpg (1.66 MB, 2815x3500, 4347552_TheDevilishDouble_….jpg)

We already have a "no /pol/ outside the /pol/ thread" rule.

We really need a "no vixen outside the vixen thread" rule.

The average user does not want to be subjected to VIXEN PORN when coming to this site.

872ae8c6 No.3715074

File: 1694405667175.png (993.05 KB, 900x1375, 75fdd794d0ccfe36edd0edfb38….png)

I haven't heard that. I wouldn't be surprised. The law enforcement experts for cp would certainly have a way of recognizing anything that was genuine cp. I'm sure the FBI has a huge amount of seized cp in their database.

8d8ed2ac No.3715097

File: 1694429954928.jpg (695.34 KB, 811x1440, 46550b28c61d647f85a4949df4….jpg)

Also, if you only posted politishit as often as I post cub, you wouldn't be quarantined to a thread.

04fd5c79 No.3715118

File: 1694439639298.png (3.71 MB, 2539x1451, 1693739538.patecko_alisabl….png)

"All vixens are belong to tms," cho0b decreed in my dream. And then I woke up with an erection, so that makes it official.

f812701f No.3715182

File: 1694457475637.jpg (87.15 KB, 813x797, overcummedMolly.jpg)

I almost never reply in "discussions" in Lultz any more because why bother nothing is new any more. But when I do, I try to attach a completely unrelated image, usually cub porn because of lulz.

62ddf668 No.3715187

File: 1694461574100.jpg (367.05 KB, 642x1016, 4320924_Bearest_molly.jpg)

LOL, new kink acquired: so much cum it spurts out her nose. What tags cover that, I wonder?

0dff3719 No.3715190

File: 1694463444968.jpg (486.47 KB, 2500x1200, 57c83c5aa0d4c7ae79e2c29271….jpg)


6bf73d0e No.3715209

No complaints from me. AI/3D human art just has that creepy uncanny valley look.

04fd5c79 No.3715235

If I somehow owned all the vixens, I would free them asap. Promise. Even in my crazy dreams.

404c1fb6 No.3715240

File: 1694479173695.png (649.73 KB, 1159x1500, 5d70b93fb9e88c0796d8b28212….png)

Tms for president!

2808be90 No.3715384

>I will be deleting anything resembling irl human child porn

And yet, here it all is, still undeleted

d44ad141 No.3715386


You'd better get used to posting that, n1gger, cause I am not deleting cub. Not now or ever.

5d508cca No.3715396


Here's hoping you cross the line someday and wind up in Federal prison with the inmates knowing who you are and what you've done. You won't be the first furfag that let their dick do the thinking in regards to children and got the shit beat out of him regularly in jail.

b5c1a31a No.3715404

File: 1694537536122.png (246.27 KB, 999x941, 3555480_HalcyonWinter_2009….png)

7971e067 No.3715405

File: 1694538444659.png (495.02 KB, 920x966, 2569657_MaverickSkye_medit….png)

> What tags cover that
Is there a good list of recommended tags to use, besides e621? I used to follow their guidelines but now e621 is full of stupid.

d44ad141 No.3715434

>Here's hoping you cross the line someday
lulz.net: "I hope you molest a child."
This isn't the own you think it is.

a1f6518d No.3715438

File: 1694556858289.jpeg (309.64 KB, 1037x1910, Sus.jpeg)


Yeah, I'd expect discord or twitter to want that. So the kid grows up LGBT

f9ade9c9 No.3715473

File: 1694565794580.jpg (554.21 KB, 2008x3000, 0859f213de3624191f46935491….jpg)


04fd5c79 No.3715572

File: 1694613320530.webm (853.4 KB, 320x240, president_tms.webm)

e8b4bb2f No.3715591

File: 1694637016160.jpg (242.41 KB, 1500x1929, Yokappa_sonja.jpg)

> Tms for president!
> president_tms.webm
On second thought… :)

cd71802c No.3715699

File: 1694737609360.jpg (56.19 KB, 495x507, absolutelydisgusting.jpg)

>Here's hoping you cross the line someday

A real possibility since there is no canary on this site.

Also, a jury of his peers has to come to a reasonable judgement that these images are child porn. It is irrelevant what the degenerate thinks.

Would a person on the street, if shown these images, think it was child porn?

Additionally, being complicit is a thing - for say - a site owner and mod.

Just sayin…..

bbed8d76 No.3715705

File: 1694738978479.jpg (561.12 KB, 2000x2000, eldiman_rokuke-and-dakka.jpg)

> a jury of his peers has to come to a reasonable judgement that these images are child porn
Lie some more, Niggerman.

48612a10 No.3716573

File: 1695310916566.jpg (449.22 KB, 710x1200, 111900918_p0_master1200.jpg)

Still waiting for a link to this trial where cub porn was treated as real porn. Guessing it's going to be a long wait.

5fa2187e No.3716593

File: 1695321974054.png (376.49 KB, 1500x1800, bafybeifwkcljznziijd5ru2ha….png)

I'm waiting for that too.

d1466c11 No.3716867

File: 1695483109074.png (1.83 MB, 1400x1580, 4693560_horserov_spotts_da….png)

6bf73d0e No.3716925

The french are only good at two things, surrendering and getting defeated lol.

97da7420 No.3716928


They beat a hell of a lot of Africa.

6bf73d0e No.3716961

I mean no shit, how else do you think the US and Britain got slaves?

c0cd44d7 No.3716965

File: 1695542477485.png (267.67 KB, 1477x1529, zooshi_walking_by_b-ink.png)

> how else do you think the US and Britain got slaves?
If I had to guess, I'd say possibly thanks to Netherlands and the Dutch East India Company.

After all, the Dutch East India Company founded the Dutch Cape Colony which eventually transformed into South Africa.

c0cd44d7 No.3716967

File: 1695543998617.jpg (2.17 MB, 6121x4285, 3769142_WinterFox_toddlerw….jpg)

> AI/3D human art just has that creepy uncanny valley look.
I agree about the 3D human art. I haven't seen enough AI human stuff to have an opinion.

b53b6185 No.3716971

File: 1695558264796-0.jpg (423.03 KB, 2880x1920, 058a0332ec37f792f86d05573a….jpg)

File: 1695558264796-1.jpg (354.19 KB, 1920x2880, 89d9d3558ddbd9fdaee0872a28….jpg)

File: 1695558264796-2.jpg (523.9 KB, 2560x2560, cd0db9f2a2db119be017d0bb67….jpg)

File: 1695558264796-3.jpg (310.8 KB, 1920x2880, ec41a0678572c73d586b20a44a….jpg)

File: 1695558264796-4.jpg (365.61 KB, 3000x1920, f538b6f7e4b0858d4e80ccde10….jpg)

>>I agree about the 3D human art. I haven't seen enough AI human stuff to have an opinion.

Like the rest of AI art, the results can vary greatly. A lot depends on the AI program used, the skill of the Director, specific commands given, and many other factors.
But here are a few examples of AI-generated humans, there are many more.
Mostly they're not bad, and keep improving.

4865317c No.3720388

File: 1698758666732.jpg (259.31 KB, 800x912, 637362_bbmbbf_littlecomm4b….jpg)

Those AI generated humans are impressively good.

42f150cb No.3720403

we really need to get a complete collection of hardiman's art, and at least one person who knows how to rig up an ai art generator. I think they call them "directors" now.

42f150cb No.3720404

we need to bring bullet soup back from the dead.

3c9ee1c5 No.3721967

File: 1700157439039.jpg (325.55 KB, 1200x917, a93b4ef22ae1b15d06e2417df2….jpg)

218b2f17 No.3723596

File: 1701456746934.jpg (273.08 KB, 1024x1536, 4761311_Cirn0_cirno-cat-10….jpg)

> we really need to get a complete collection of hardiman's art, and at least one person who knows how to rig up an ai art generator
Yes! AI generated Hardiman art would be wonderful.

cc5571cc No.3726001

File: 1703051654419-0.jpg (277.3 KB, 575x746, 340114_BulletSoup_ambrosia….jpg)

File: 1703051654419-1.jpg (268.6 KB, 879x1200, bulletsoup 41a041482bbcfc2….jpg)

File: 1703051654419-2.jpg (388.85 KB, 697x900, 14.jpg)

> we need to bring bullet soup back from the dead.
I don't know, did he even make enough art in that style to make it possible?

There are differences between classic Hardiman art and BulletSoup art.

872811cc No.3726032

File: 1703066510355.gif (498.65 KB, 330x191, tumblr_m7swa6z5bb1rn95k2o1….gif)


>>skill of the Director

dcc82ee8 No.3741152

File: 1717098125105.png (935.06 KB, 1180x1284, f8a4f410651fba80db887d1ce0….png)

> "cum_from_nose"?

7184b717 No.3741226

File: 1717116877294.jpg (88.36 KB, 713x800, 83de7198be2ec755738716ce7a….jpg)

>The average user does not want to be subjected to CHILD PORN when coming to this site.

You don't speak for any of us and you can't force your backwards religious views on anyone else. Fuck off and die.

7184b717 No.3741227

File: 1717117070011.png (2.64 MB, 1280x1856, ResembleResemble.png)

Let us test that theory, shall we?

15031cf5 No.3741245

Just install adblocker or ask the devs to make a [-] blacklist?

27982465 No.3741246

File: 1717120463337.jpg (449.68 KB, 2000x2000, 4761221_sicMoP_jeannie_1.jpg)

Now strip her naked and try again.

af11e78b No.3741266

There are fallen places for that kind of content. I just wanted to see if the anonymous poster was even a mod capable of deleting anything. I suspect that the whole thread is just one big shitpost by a powerless cuck.

Let's see then delete the image. I dare them.(Rule 9, homeo.)

5b17525e No.3741269

File: 1717138232048.jpg (182.21 KB, 1000x1000, MakoRuu_maron_masturbating….jpg)

The poster you are daring is the lovely miss gonz, who is most definitely a moderator.

0798d390 No.3741281

File: 1717159273262.png (521.54 KB, 1700x1625, 5011230_Fuf_wingitfurbasti….png)


Hah, I haven't touched anything in here. Nor did I do this >>3741266

af11e78b No.3741283

Looks like every other anonymous user to me.

983ab1f8 No.3741454

File: 1717281174248.jpg (379.48 KB, 1860x2696, SaladBoi37_lewd_maiki.jpg)


That is anime and looks nothing like an actual human. Are you really that stupid?

9c83e3bb No.3756331

File: 1728930284668.png (187.46 KB, 682x824, cum from ass.png)

> "cum_from_nose"?
"Cum_from_ass" is a fun tag.

1df02516 No.3756336

File: 1728935407092.png (66.48 KB, 625x626, bait_fish_meme.png)


It's not CP if there is no real human person in the image, or if it can't at least pass as looking like a human person.

Since furry artwork contains FICTIONAL ANIMAL CREATURES, I think it's safe to assume that it does not pass as Human.

Now fuck off and go back to 4chan or Kiwi Farms.

1df02516 No.3756337

File: 1728936165002.png (1.42 MB, 1001x910, ARE_YOU_SMARTER_THAN_A.png)


Destroy all 4chan and KF freaks with PURE LOGIC.

(and the AMERICAN law)


(9) “identifiable minor”— (A) means a person— (i) (I) who was a minor at the time the visual depiction was created, adapted, or modified; or (II) whose image as a minor was used in creating, adapting, or modifying the visual depiction; and (ii) who is recognizable as an actual person by the person’s face, likeness, or other distinguishing characteristic, such as a unique birthmark or other recognizable feature; and (B) shall not be construed to require proof of the actual identity of the identifiable minor.



(10) the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.




This one defines "Person" (in case you were too stupid or blind to be able to tell the difference between a cartoon furry animal and a real person, lol)


1df02516 No.3756338



Persons of ordinary intelligence can discern whether a depiction is virtually indistinguishable from a photograph of a real child engaged in sexually explicit conduct. Contrary to the court of appeals' view, that statutory standard is objective rather than subjective. The question is whether a reasonable unsuspecting viewer would consider the depiction to be of an actual individual under the age of 18 engaged in sexual activity.

Congress intended for both prohibitions to reach a narrow category of material-depictions that are "virtually indistinguishable to the unsuspecting viewer from unretouched photographic images of actual children engaging in sexually explicit conduct."


Here's an article written by Boozy Badger, an American Lawyer who understands the U.S. Laws regarding fiction.



1df02516 No.3756339

File: 1728936483107.png (186.6 KB, 418x421, 011__FACTS_DRAGNET__darker.png)

Even if the American Laws change to more closely resemble the laws of Canada, France, United Kingdom, Australia, Italy and Switzerland (the countries that have banned "Problematic" cartoon artwork) — a cartoon drawing of a fictional bipedal talking animal will NEVER be logically / factually equal to Genuine CSEM of a Real Human Person who exists In Real Life….

No more than a bag of Vegan Chik-N Nuggets could ever be logically / factually equal to a bag of ACTUAL Chicken Nuggets… care to take a guess as to WHY they aren't equal?

One is made of plants and requires NO harm to be done to an animal in its manufacturing process.

And the other one does! …. (For the record, I'm not even a Vegan, this is purely for the sake of argument).

Now, apply the same logic to cartoon art… The 2D hand drawn art DOES NOT require the harm of an Actual Human Person as part of its manufacturing process…. and the Genuine Actual Factual CSEM does….

This is why they will never be logically / factually / rationally / legitimately equal….

Even if American Law changes to be more like the other countries….

The ONLY way that it is "logically" & "factually" equal is if the artist is basing their drawings on REAL people…


1df02516 No.3756340

File: 1728936526155.png (79.3 KB, 472x364, ONE_IRA_TAXIA.PNG)

Knee-Jerk Reactions and screaming at people on Twitter cannot magically make Yiffy Art of Tails and Sonic count as actual, factual, genuine CSEM…. Tails and Sonic are NOT real people…. just like how a Plushie is NOT a real animal, just like how Vegan Nuggets are NOT made of actual chickens…..

And sure, you can certainly pull the "but what is that Vegan Nugget trying to simulate?" argument, but what it is trying to simulate is far less important than WHAT IT ACTUALLY IS MADE OF….. you can TEST those Vegan Nuggets by sending them off to a lab for analysis… to PROVE what they are made of….

I would imagine the same kinds of tests exist for testing drawings (LIKE LOOKING AT THEM WITH YOUR EYES AND REALIZING THAT IT'S A CARTOON and not a PERSON)…..

As for hyper-realistic pencil sketch drawings with no hint of cartoon exaggeration, if it looks like a Human Person, then it passes as a Human Person, which makes it qualify as CSEM…. the same hyper-realism would apply to A.I. Generated images trained on Real People, which means they also count.

Anyone with two functioning eyeballs and a working brain can tell that a Cartoon Furry Drawing looks NOTHING at all like a Real Flesh N' Blood Human Being who exists in Real Life….. despite what Angry Delusional Twitter Users have spent years and years brainwashing you into believing….

Unless you have a SEVERE case of Oneirataxia (google that term) – you are 100% capable of telling the difference between Fictional Cartoon Furry Artwork and photos of an Actual Human Being……

4247b76f No.3756341

File: 1728936886095.jpg (87.9 KB, 431x796, FRANCE_SUCKS.jpg)

>Still waiting for a link to this trial where cub porn was treated as real porn. Guessing it's going to be a long wait.

They are probably talking about the Australia Simpsons Porn Trial….


Fuck Australia and Fuck France.

BunnyBits did nothing wrong.

4247b76f No.3756342

File: 1728937014290.png (144.56 KB, 664x759, ALEX_MEME.png)

I'm waiting for the day that the U.S. Government makes "Sheath & Knife" comics illegal to own, hahahaha….

fdbb390c No.3756343

File: 1728937673857.png (220.03 KB, 728x410, TOM_GREEN_4CHAN.png)


>Would a person on the street, if shown these images, think it was child porn?


I think the average person with a functioning brain and eyes can tell the difference between hand-drawn artwork of Sonic and Tails screwing and a photograph of a real person….

Fucking 4chan Retard.

9b840936 No.3756545

File: 1729047319112.jpg (378.96 KB, 1208x1716, d994fdc3d5c005114823cb4b21….jpg)

>"Cum_from_ass" is a fun tag.
Oh yeah.

ab89d595 No.3756549

File: 1729052959904.jpg (473.22 KB, 1256x887, Yanoodle - Homework helper….jpg)

If you imply that a type of drawn porn annoys you then I'll immediately use it as picture unrelated in reply. Just for the lulz.

8fb7a3b6 No.3756675

File: 1729187585863-0.png (336.59 KB, 1280x960, a8pgxrfojnaorl8g2p1s.png)

File: 1729187585863-1.png (274.21 KB, 1280x960, ipgvtoecyjdsjqlh6qyd.png)

cc3f4e46 No.3756679

File: 1729190556446.png (684.32 KB, 680x500, Secret of Mana (relocalize….png)


Turn Based RPG Shit Is Trash.

The best JRPG's are:

1: Secret of Mana
2: Seiken Denesetsu 3
3: Zelda: A Link To The Past
4: Teranigma
5: Illusion of Gaia
6: Crusader of Centy on the Genesis

Only Normies and N00bz play that Final Fantasy bullshit.

2a4dbec1 No.3756790

File: 1729276631968.jpg (58.07 KB, 1200x1218, 51CLGp-GDRS.jpg)

This is drawn artwork. The average person with a functioning brains and eyes can tell that this picture complete fiction, so by posting this I'm not really flipping you the bird.

2a4dbec1 No.3756791

You're intentionally mixing two different arguments:

1) the characters and art being real
2) the topic and action being depicted

Cub porn serves the point of child porn. It simply passes the letter of the law by being fictional, which is equivalent to the case of "I'm not inciting genocide against the Jews, these are completely fictional cartoon characters saying it, not me."

Technically correct is the best kind of correct.

ac6a4fde No.3756794

File: 1729283617763.png (905.79 KB, 1124x758, wayne_bugs.PNG)


>Cub porn serves the point of child porn. It simply passes the letter of the law by being fictional


Now apply that same logic of yours to Furry Porn in general. If you think Bugs Bunny is attractive, then you want to fuck actual real life rabbits.




ac6a4fde No.3756795

File: 1729283705143.png (1.31 MB, 1064x983, ASUKA_MEME__ZOOPH.png)


>Cub porn serves the point of child porn.

Silence, rabbit fucker.

ac6a4fde No.3756796

File: 1729283794059.png (91.02 KB, 861x690, FALSE_EQUIVALENCE__02.PNG)


Go Home, You Mentally Retarded 4chan Faggot.

ac6a4fde No.3756797

File: 1729283858513.png (59.12 KB, 872x603, MORAL_EQUIVALENCE__002.PNG)


You're Outnumbered In This Here Thread, Bucko.

I suggest you pack up and head on back to your Kiwi Farm.

4247b76f No.3756798

File: 1729284060398.jpg (22.09 KB, 321x471, jack__gta_lawyer.jpg)


>Video Game Violence serves the exact same function as Real World Violence. It simply passes the letter of the law by being Imaginary and only happening inside of a Video Game, which is equivalent to saying "I'm not REALLY beating up hookers and splattering cops with a semi-automatic weapon, they're just programmed NPC's in a game."


ac6a4fde No.3756799

File: 1729284363162.jpg (20.89 KB, 330x285, Blackadder_3_george.jpg)


It's probably before your time, but do you remember that scene in Black Adder when they go to the play, and the dude thinks the stuff happening in the play is 100% real?



Baldrick : You look smart, Mr Blackadder. Going somewhere nice?

Blackadder : No. I'm off to the theatre.

Baldrick : Don't you like it then?

Blackadder : No I don't. A lot of stupid actors strutting around shouting, with their chests thrust out so far you'd think their nipples were attached to a pair of charging elephants. And the worst thing about it is having to go with Prince Mini-Brain!

Baldrick : What, doesn't he like it either?

Blackadder : Oh, no. He loves it. The problem is he doesn't realise it's made up.

Blackadder : Last year when we went to see 'Julius Caesar', just as Brutus was about to stab Caesar the Prince cried out, "Look behind you, Mr. Caesar!"

ac6a4fde No.3756800

File: 1729285139712.png (750.31 KB, 840x584, NOT_A_PIPE.PNG)

Ceci n'est pas une pipe…



4247b76f No.3756810

File: 1729286122587.png (123.04 KB, 917x648, FRENCH_BUSTER.png)

Il ne s'agit pas d'une personne réelle.

Il s'agit d'un personnage fictif.

Les dessins d'un personnage fictif ne sont pas la même chose que des photographies ou des vidéos de personnes réelles.

Combien de fois devrons-nous vous l'expliquer ?

Vous êtes un putain d'idiot !

Préoccupez-vous de ce qui arrive aux PERSONNES, pas aux personnages de dessins animés !

Les personnes réelles devraient avoir plus d'importance qu'un lapin fictif !

Protégez les êtres humains et les animaux qui vivent dans le monde réel !

Ne perdez pas votre temps à essayer de sauver des personnages fictifs !

C'est une croisade inutile !

Retournez sur votre site 4chan, s'il vous plaît.

4247b76f No.3756811

File: 1729286807164.png (1.12 MB, 549x754, simple_jack_dvd.PNG)


Here's to hoping that you get better eyewear, or better meds… whichever one stops you from seeing Real Human Kids in a fucking made-up fictional furry drawing.

You fucking 4chan retard.

46ef58ab No.3756813

File: 1729287719019.jpg (90.22 KB, 652x750, crybabyC.jpg)

Why do you string together so many posts?

ac6a4fde No.3756814

File: 1729287905841.gif (119.13 KB, 320x600, FINGER_FACE.gif)


Unless you're a 4channer Fiction Fascist / Kartoon Kiwi Karen who thinks drawings of fictional anthro animal characters are 100% equal to A REEL HY00MUN CHYYYYUUUUULD – I am not talking to you or addressing you.

ac6a4fde No.3756815

File: 1729288766728.png (196.2 KB, 458x515, NAZI_BOYKISSER__ZYKLON.png)


"which is equivalent to the case of "I'm not inciting genocide against the Jews, these are completely fictional cartoon characters saying it, not me."

Oh stuff it up your ass, 4chan hypocrite.

Half of y'allz "comedic vocabulary" consists of calling everybody you don't like a fur-fag and making jokes about Zyklon-B and how much you wanna suck Adolf Hitler's dick.

Go the fuck back to 4chan, or Kiwi Farms, or Encyclopedia Dramatica, or Something Awful, or Portal of Evil, or R-drama dot net, or Stormfront, or Chimpout, or whatever wretched internet haetz muh-sheen you crawled out of.

ac6a4fde No.3756817

File: 1729289069435.png (999.82 KB, 947x761, 4chan_fox.PNG)


Go back from whence ye came, foul demon.



ac6a4fde No.3756819

File: 1729289901798.png (867.3 KB, 1092x851, 4chan_city.PNG)

If you remember this shit, ur fawking ghey.


ac6a4fde No.3756820

File: 1729290449302.png (355.74 KB, 1235x745, POMF.PNG)

ac6a4fde No.3756821

File: 1729290740895.png (228.72 KB, 527x388, ALEX_POMF.png)

ee5c03b3 No.3756869

File: 1729309701059.png (1.09 MB, 1245x731, WKUK_HITLER.PNG)

ee5c03b3 No.3756870

File: 1729309981930.png (949.05 KB, 958x769, MEL_BROOKS_HITLER.PNG)

Folks, who did it better?

Trevor Moore, or Mel Brooks?



4247b76f No.3756871

File: 1729310503718.png (469.85 KB, 551x453, PIG_HITLER.PNG)




Eins, Zwei, Drei, schicke-schicke Schweine!


e5804a61 No.3756887

File: 1729327682031.png (1.73 MB, 1181x868, small___RELIGION_FROOT_LOO….png)


From the River to the Sea
Allah and Yahweh can drink my pee



e5804a61 No.3756888

File: 1729328718378.png (511.8 KB, 848x666, problematic_lol.PNG)

7885f637 No.3756889

File: 1729328947901.gif (87.31 KB, 220x275, smile-sweet.gif)

That's nice, grandpa.
Now take your Geritol and go back to bed.

e5804a61 No.3756891

File: 1729329888970.png (350.75 KB, 926x792, GREYDON_WIKI_PAGE.PNG)


Grandpas believe in God.

I don't.

864e7184 No.3756892

File: 1729329981180.jpg (172.38 KB, 1024x1024, 5218656_picker52578_02.jpg)

> If you imply that a type of drawn porn annoys you then I'll immediately use it as picture unrelated in reply
Indeed, that is the proper way of asking for some type of art on lulz.net

e5804a61 No.3756893

File: 1729330203539.jpg (46.93 KB, 834x756, 20221114_200249.jpg)

Fine, I see how it goes around here.

Oh well…. When in Rome.

d80a5aae No.3756894

File: 1729331016723.jpg (89.22 KB, 850x573, BUSTER_BABS_INCEST.jpg)

864e7184 No.3756895

File: 1729331374233.jpg (524.82 KB, 2090x2212, 5257351_GOGOGREY_ink_16.jpg)

That makes it all the better.

7885f637 No.3756899

File: 1729344146298.jpg (20.16 KB, 312x320, 4d55804f70f0bbe12ec1bff033….jpg)

Don't worry, you will.

d80a5aae No.3756900



None of them books scare me, not the Bible not the Qur'an
This is to Islam, and its fundamentalism:
The day you release your women, I'll quit releasing venom
Until then, no amount of scientific contributions
Could ever excuse your hateful chauvinistic institution
But, here's the real reason I'm not a Muslim
Children. See your anointed prophet used to fuck em
Listen, Mohammed was taking children as wives
One he married at six and consummated at nine
He was somewhere in his 50's trying to get in them drawers
She wasn't even 10 yet, still playing with dolls
So they try to give me that, "oh the times were different"
Rationalizing atrocities now you sound like Christians
I charge the views on women as sickening
Either update the culture or just fade into history


d80a5aae No.3756901

File: 1729344970041.png (1.79 MB, 1259x756, BLACK_ATHEISM_GREYDON_YT.PNG)

7885f637 No.3756903

File: 1729345472448.jpeg (12.58 KB, 420x315, db8e2cef29fc3bfcdce38da72….jpeg)

You're all good, then.
Because BELIEF is NOT REQUIRED to go to Hell, lol.

d80a5aae No.3756904

A'ight mutha-fuggah, you wanna clash?

Let's clash like Joe Strummer.

Okay, so you got this God, and he gawts all these super powers N' shit.

Tha niggah got Clairvoyance (he can see the future like a psychic), and he can make anything he wants to pretty much by Eye Dream of Genie blinking or Bewitch nose-twitch nodding that shit into existence whenever tha fuck he wants to.

So how come tha niggah ain't gave us something BETTER than a book? God himself did not write that book, HUMANS wrote that shit. And since humans wrote it, it has HUMAN FLAWS and HUMAN superstitions in it.

The people who wrote the Bible and the Koran didn't even know that GERMS AND VIRUSES cause diseases, not Magic Gawd Hexes and Witch Curses N' shit.

Them Bible Times Niggahz were either stupid and uneducated or they had some HARDCORE O.C.D.

"Don't plant mixed crops in a field, don't wear mixed fiber clothing" blah blah fuckin' blah.

And them Bible Mutha-Fuggahz ain't even knew the Earth was ROUND and not FLAT… they thought if you sailed too far you'd fall off the edge, lol… not circle the globe.

God has all this power to make anything he wants, but he'll just let these dumb-ass humans write a book and say "God says to do all this stuff?"

Yeah dawg, God says to do human sacrifices like Abraham with Isaac, or Jepthah with his daughter. God says to kill your own kids as a "test of faith" lol….

If that's how the homie rilly is, then bro sounds like a PSYCHO!

God knew humans were gunna add all this crazy shit into the Bible about how women are basically property or the spoils of war and conquest to do whatever you want with….

That it's totally fine to keep slaves because "Black People all originated from this guy named Canan or Ham or what the fuck ever, cuz he got cursed to be a "servant of servants, lowest of the low."

And everyone's favorite part of the Bible "throw rocks at gay people until they're dead."

God coulda just gave us a HOLY TELEPATHIC DATA CRYSTAL or MEMORY CUBE or some shit and bypassed all that human-penned Bible book bullshit.

Why even use something HUMANS wrote and HUMANS dictated? It's flawed and has like, a million mistranslations and errors in it.

d80a5aae No.3756905

File: 1729346652601.png (165.95 KB, 1219x961, BERTRAND.PNG)


Any dumb-shit redneck with an agenda can just twist a Bible verse and say "Well my interpretation of the Bible says THIS, and if you don't believe MY interpretation then fuck you, you're bad."

This old ass Country Hick redneck niggah "Bertrand L Comparet" says Race Mixing is wrong, according to HIS personal Bible interpretations, lol….

d80a5aae No.3756906

File: 1729347245623.png (677.06 KB, 725x426, GAWD__WBC_PHELPS_WEST.png)


Quit'chur Bible Sermons and Gimmie a Gummy-Hummy, GrandMa.

d80a5aae No.3756908

File: 1729348503338.png (1.06 MB, 695x830, SUGAR_FREE_REDVINES.PNG)


Why is Slayer soooooooo fucking GOOOOOOOOD???? Huff! Unff!


Your lame ass Christian Rock / Gospel Pop / Lame Church Hymnals and shitty over-played Country Music can't even hold a candle!

I hate you, GrandMa.

I hate your gross itchy hand-knit wool sweaters for Xmas and your gross nasty Sugar Free Diabetic Candy and the way your whole house smells like death and mothballs and how your cabinets are always full of old as fuck boxes of Cereal that's long past its expiration date because you have Food Hoarding OCD from being traumatized by living through the Great Depression….

ab89d595 No.3756912

File: 1729351652811.jpg (193.12 KB, 760x596, themystery.jpg)

d80a5aae No.3756913

File: 1729352193506.png (207.47 KB, 290x367, SKY_CAKE.PNG)


"It's the old Sky Cake dodge! It worked!"

~Patton Oswalt


7885f637 No.3756918

Your first mistake is assuming I'm something you think I am.
Atheist MAD,

ab89d595 No.3756929

File: 1729357997392.png (137.38 KB, 250x320, suck suck cock.png)

By the way, this thread has deviated a bit from what is important. Here's a beautiful ballad about that:

0cfe3148 No.3756932

ya thats a cake dodge for pizza gate

4247b76f No.3757004


This looks like Mitsui-Jun's artwork.

I like their Tails stuff.

Got anymore, but more, Furry?

ab89d595 No.3757007

File: 1729412172172.jpg (247.48 KB, 1188x891, Untitled.jpg)

As far as I know he does only a bit of furry between his usual horny little boys.
Launch your ad and scriptblocking browser and get the stuff by yourself from the usual murky depths of internet.

42dbcba0 No.3767483

why don't we just officially make this an all-out cub board

2d22a210 No.3767494

onlycubs new rule

4f707492 No.3767497

File: 1738953430908.jpg (981.49 KB, 3508x2480, 4593351_Garuo_minum_256-ga….jpg)


You can't say that without actually posting cub.

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