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bddbab25 No.3712887[View All]

/lit/ 2.0

Recommend literature, discuss literature, quotes from wherever. Philosophy. What do you consider recommended reading? For furries in particular? What are you reading now or the last thing you read? (besides tms shitposts)

Finished binge reading all the released Pack Street chapters the other day:


According to TV Tropes, "In 2023, Weaver announced Pack Street to be going on hiatus, possibly indefinitely, as a result of real life troubles relating to the people he wrote the story with."

That's a shame, because Pack Street is very compelling storytelling. TV Tropes also gives a good description:
>You know Zootopia? A Shining City of interspecies cooperation in a World of Funny Animals, where "anyone can be anything"? Well, there's a Wrong Side of the Tracks there, too, and if you didn't already know there were predator/prey tensions, that's where you'll find out.

Pack Street is in the same world as Zootopia; but the author created his own characters, and the story centers around them. The protagonist is a sheep, Remmy Cormo. Here's an excerpt of him at the local burger joint that uses bug meat, accompanied by his mates Ozzy the hyena and Wolter and Anneke the aardwolves:

Ozzy slaps me on the back hard enough for me to really feel it through my padding. "Welcome to the night crew!" he howls, grinning.

Our hyena pushes the door open, using his height advantage to clear the way for the rest of us to make our way inside. Once we're in, the noise of the restaurant's almost deafening. There's gotta be a good dozen or so employees frantically working the counter trying to serve customers, and they're still stuffed to overflowing with folks.

So crowded. So loud. So many preds talking, eating. Something deep and primal tugs at me inside and I feel myself begin to sweat. Predators on all sides. The room stinks of cooking grease and unmasked musk. Dozens of fang-toothed maws gnashing meat. Everywhere. Every direction I turn.

I am a sheep surrounded by carnivores.

If one turned on me, would anyone stop it? Would they even report it afterwards? How much of the straining civilized facade would be left? Visions of my own corpse on the floor. Wool red with my blood. Teeth everywhere. Bug burgas discarded in favor of animal meat. I don't want to die.

54 posts and 42 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

c0febe5b No.3725323

Don't Americans know what charity shops are? God damn.

9fdb5cf3 No.3725363

This makes me cry really. There are many "Friends of the Library" organizations over here in the U.S. that accept donations of used books, and then sell the books, giving the proceeds to the local libraries. Sometimes the books are given to prison libraries and smaller libraries that have extremely limited financial resources (they really can't afford new books).

c0febe5b No.3725406

"As usual, this book is for Doug. Thank you for loving my worlds!

But also this book is, not for exactly, but aimed at that one guy who showed up at my front door unannounced to leave the art and book he bought off me (in part because I decided in this story to play a mild joke on a writing group critic) then dared me not to share this incident with anyone."

Ugh why would you air your personal drama like this, it immediately puts me off reading the book

c0febe5b No.3725408

Also, I already read this like 10+ years ago when it was just a short story and I already know the twist. Sigh. Oh well I'll still read this garbage not like I have anything better to do.

c0febe5b No.3725562

Well they changed the twist a little bit so that's cool. It was alright.

bddbab25 No.3731773

File: 1707501041491.jpg (239.75 KB, 1024x512, ES9KopZWkAEHepv.jpg)

If you read the /pol/ thread, you're just killing brain cells.

6bce6988 No.3732222

File: 1707911785575.jpg (7.4 MB, 4073x6000, 4ee3a8a04958f3606d1df02665….jpg)

I dirtea!

bddbab25 No.3735591

File: 1711313501677.jpg (319.9 KB, 1616x2475, The_Brothers_Karamazov.jpg)

That actually sounds pretty interesting. I've never read Dracula, but I've seen the movie starring Gary Oldman a bunch of times. One of my faves.

Started reading The Brothers Karamazov. I really like it so far. Excerpt:

He was then only twenty years old (his brother Ivan was in his twenty-fourth year, and their elder brother, Dmitri, was going on twenty-eight). First of all I announce that this young man, Alyosha, was not at all a fanatic, and, in my view at least, even not at all a mystic. I will give my full opinion beforehand: he was simply an early lover of mankind, and if he threw himself into the monastery path, it was only because it alone struck him at the time and presented him, so to speak, with an ideal way out for his soul struggling from the darkness of worldly wickedness towards the light of love. And this path struck him only because on it at that time he met a remarkable being, in his opinion, our famous monastery elder Zosima, to whom he became attached with all the ardent first love of his unquenchable heart. However, I do not deny that he was, at that time, already very strange, having been so even from the cradle. Incidentally, I have already mentioned that although he lost his mother in his fourth year, he remembered her afterwards all his life, her face, her caresses, “as if she were standing alive before me.” Such memories can be remembered (everyone knows this) even from an earlier age, even from the age of two, but they only emerge throughout one’s life as specks of light, as it were, against the darkness, as a corner torn from a huge picture, which has all faded and disappeared except for that little corner. That is exactly how it was with him: he remembered a quiet summer evening, an open window, the slanting rays of the setting sun (these slanting rays he remembered most of all), an icon in the corner of the room, a lighted oil-lamp in front of it, and before the icon, on her knees, his mother, sobbing as if in hysterics, with shrieks and cries, seizing him in her arms, hugging him so tightly that it hurt, and pleading for him to the Mother of God, holding him out from her embrace with both arms towards the icon, as if under the protection of the Mother of God … and suddenly a nurse rushes in and snatches him from her in fear. What a picture! [cont.]

bddbab25 No.3735593

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[cont.] Alyosha remembered his mother’s face, too, at that moment: he used to say that it was frenzied, but beautiful, as far as he could remember. But he rarely cared to confide this memory to anyone. In his childhood and youth he was not very effusive, not even very talkative, not from mistrust, not from shyness or sullen unsociability, but even quite the contrary, from something different, from some inner preoccupation, as it were, strictly personal, of no concern to others, but so important for him that because of it he would, as it were, forget others. But he did love people; he lived all his life, it seemed, with complete faith in people, and yet no one ever considered him either naive or a simpleton. There was something in him that told one, that convinced one (and it was so all his life afterwards) that he did not want to be a judge of men, that he would not take judgment upon himself and would not condemn anyone for anything. It seemed, even, that he accepted everything without the least condemnation, though often with deep sadness. Moreover, in this sense he even went so far that no one could either surprise or frighten him, and this even in his very early youth. Coming to his father in his twentieth year, precisely into that den of dirty iniquity, he, chaste and pure, would simply retire quietly when it was unbearable to watch, yet without the least expression of contempt or condemnation of anyone at all. His father, a former sponger and therefore touchy and easily offended, and who met him at first with sullen suspicion (“He’s too quiet,” he said, “and he reasons in himself too much”), soon ended up, nonetheless, in no more than two weeks, by hugging and kissing him terribly often, with drunken tears and tipsy sentimentality, true, but apparently having come to love him sincerely and deeply, more than such a man had, of course, ever managed to love anyone else.

8832ba96 No.3738871

File: 1714370466313.png (874.65 KB, 693x738, hehbooknoodle.png)

heh, Book noodle…

8832ba96 No.3738873

8832ba96 No.3740325

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8832ba96 No.3740504

File: 1716424000242.png (1.94 MB, 792x2795, MkZPTJo.png)

8832ba96 No.3740506

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All my friends are dead.

bddbab25 No.3740519

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Previously itt, someone made a post about The Beetle, comparing it to Dracula. Curiously, it's been deleted.


Good stuff.

So they were ghosts leading him to their bones. lol

bddbab25 No.3740569

File: 1716465338999.jpg (1.09 MB, 1300x1300, 1655739292.maquenda_get-ou….jpg)

"It is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

More and more these words bear on me.

db0d0a42 No.3740593

File: 1716502514293.png (2.59 MB, 2199x1676, 1716502364.heymayaart_img_….png)

I ain't reading shit cause I can't see shit

bddbab25 No.3740595

File: 1716504852671.jpg (534.62 KB, 2340x1575, tztime-enough-at-last.jpg)

db0d0a42 No.3740597

File: 1716507207963.jpeg (6 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpeg)

Ha! I remember watching that episode when it aired.

bddbab25 No.3740601

File: 1716510245852.png (1.06 MB, 1600x2400, 1667122831.gompami_쥐125-4.png)

To me, the episode illustrates the tenuous separation between Heaven and Hell. The fracture of thin glass lenses is all it takes to break the separation. Similar to an episode from a more contemporary sci-fi series:

Would you like to hear a joke? So, Einstein dies. He finds himself in heaven, and he has his violin. He’s overjoyed. He loves his violin. More than physics. Even more than women. He’s excited to find out how well he can play in heaven. He imagines he’ll be pretty damn good. So he starts tuning up, and the angels rush at him. “What are you doing?” they say. “I’m getting ready to play.” “Don’t do that. God won’t like it.” “He’s a saxophonist.” So Einstein stops. He doesn’t play, but it’s difficult. He loves music, and there’s actually not much to do in heaven. And sure enough, from high above, he hears a saxophone. It’s playing “Take the A Train.” Do you know that one? Einstein knows it too. And he thinks, “I’m going to do it. I’m going to play with Him.” “We’re going to sound great together.” So he starts playing “Take the A Train.” The saxophone stops, and God appears. He marches over to Einstein and kicks him in the balls, which hurts, even in heaven. Then he smashes Einstein’s beloved violin to bits. Eternity without music. Heaven has become hell for Einstein. And, as he writhes on the ground, holding his smashed balls, an angel comes over and says, “We warned you.” “Never play with God.”

Of course, the point of that "joke" is to illustrate the dark forest resolution to the Fermi paradox. From 3 Body Problem Netflix series, based on the novel series Remembrance of Earth's Past by Liu Cixin.

8832ba96 No.3740815

File: 1716748049515-0.webm (3.88 MB, 492x720, Use of adverb.webm)

4ad20ef3 No.3740816

That aired 65 years ago…

8832ba96 No.3740817

File: 1716748697075.webm (4.17 MB, 427x320, Super Easy Examples of Ad….webm)

5b496349 No.3740822


"Well , she is a bit…..COCKEYED !!"

…..could not help myself…

8832ba96 No.3740946

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Would you like to join a role-playing story between Minerva Mink and Snafu?

rules -
You will not use chatGPT and only your imagination.
You can only play with Minerva Mink and Snafu.
More people could fill in the story on what would happen during their events.

Let us begin shall we?

"Minerva Mink wakes up and gasp."

Minerva Mink: Where am I?

"Minerva Mink is tied up"

Snafu: You tell'in me toots; I am trapped in here with you in this abondoned warehouse!

"Two players must flip a coin if both a tie try again, if heads your turn, if tails their turn"

How does it look so far?

b7b44b19 No.3740988

File: 1716924162553.png (367.4 KB, 528x528, i just realized i dont car….png)

8832ba96 No.3741336

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8832ba96 No.3741394

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bddbab25 No.3742067

File: 1717778109453.webm (1.74 MB, 960x720, d53c629e08d30db34b478a380….webm)

9718af34 No.3742086

File: 1717797806091.png (26.08 KB, 486x480, Literature and Quotes.png)

> …quotes from wherever.

94f4ab1e No.3742171

File: 1717871594064.png (193.91 KB, 687x1031, The Vagina-Ass of Lucifer ….png)

Diary of Samuel Pepys. Not from book but one day at time from the https://www.pepysdiary.com/diary/
(Friday 7 June 1661 of third reading today). The daily porton with annotations makes it a lot more interesting and deeper.

(pic unrelated)

b61cd95f No.3742175

File: 1717875754019.png (354.06 KB, 600x800, 737eb99575ebe05e063913f694….png)

penids. shhhhhh.

8832ba96 No.3745225

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bd08adae No.3745279


Quite understandable Pepy was considered a intellectual by his peers, worked for the King and was a Naval administrator and member of Parliament (upper house , not amongst the riffraff PLEBS)

Its like reading the Songs sung from the Angles themselves.

bddbab25 No.3747089

File: 1721260955631.png (4.61 MB, 2340x1574, 1721162138.yshanii_img_352….png)

If the villainy of people arouses indignation and insurmountable grief in you, to the point that you desire to revenge yourself upon the villains, fear that feeling most of all; go at once and seek torments for yourself, as if you yourself were guilty of their villainy. Take these torments upon yourself and suffer them, and your heart will be eased, and you will understand that you, too, are guilty, for you might have shone to the villains, even like the only sinless One, but you did not. If you had shone, your light would have lighted the way for others, and the one who did villainy would perhaps not have done so in your light. And even if you do shine, but see that people are not saved even with your light, remain steadfast, and do not doubt the power of the heavenly light; believe that if they are not saved now, they will be saved later. And if they are not saved, their sons will be saved, for your light will not die, even when you are dead. The righteous man departs, but his light remains. People are always saved after the death of him who saved them. The generation of men does not welcome its prophets and kills them, but men love their martyrs and venerate those they have tortured to death. Your work is for the whole, your deed is for the future. Never seek a reward, for great is your reward on earth without that: your spiritual joy, which only the righteous obtain. Nor should you fear the noble and powerful, but be wise and ever gracious. Know measure, know the time, learn these things. When you are alone, pray. Love to throw yourself down on the earth and kiss it. Kiss the earth and love it, tirelessly, insatiably, love all men, love all things, seek this rapture and ecstasy. Water the earth with the tears of your joy, and love those tears. Do not be ashamed of this ecstasy, treasure it, for it is a gift from God, a great gift, and it is not given to many, but to those who are chosen.

- Excerpt from The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky

8832ba96 No.3749044

File: 1722758209480-0.jpg (181.54 KB, 1023x755, Reincarnation.jpg)

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The cycle of life and death, a never-ending dance
From the first breath of birth, to the last fleeting chance
The journey begins, with innocence and grace
As we open our eyes, to a brand new place
We learn and grow, with each passing day
Filled with wonder, as we find our way
The world is vast, and full of surprise
As we reach for the stars, and reach for the skies
But as we age, we start to see
The fragility of life, the uncertainty
We realize that death is always near
And though we may fear, it is something we must face
For in death, there is rebirth
A new beginning, a new path
The cycle continues, without end
A never-ending dance, of life and death
So let us cherish, each precious day
For it may be our last, in this mortal fray
And when our time comes, let us go with grace
For in death, we find eternal peace, in this infinite space.
The cycle of life and death, a never-ending tale
A story woven, in the fabric of the veil
From the first cry of a newborn’s breath
To the last whisper, in the still of death
We enter this world, with eyes wide and pure
A blank canvas, for life to pour
Each day a new brushstroke, a new hue
As we paint the picture, of all that we’ll pursue
But as we grow, we learn of the end
The finality of death, the bitter blend
We see the leaves fall, and the flowers wilt
And we wonder, at the purpose and the guilt
But death is not the end, it’s just a change
A transformation, in the cosmic range
For every death, is a seed of rebirth
A new beginning, in the cycle of Earth
So let us live each day, with open hearts
For the cycle of life and death, never departs
Let us embrace the journey, with grace and pride
For in death, we are reunited, with the cosmic tide
As we spiral in the cycle, of birth and decay
Let us find solace, in the eternal way
For in death, we are not gone, but simply free
To continue our journey, in eternity.

d0cfc67e No.3750757

File: 1724111988689.gif (1.64 MB, 1800x1200, The quick brown fox got st….gif)

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog…

639b54f9 No.3750758

Has anyone ever read anything wrote by Reza Negarestani?
I have a copy of Cyclonopedia I bought after someone on Twitter was pointing a gun at it and saying "YOU DID THIS, DIDN'T YOU??" during 2020. Years later and I haven't cracked it open yet.

bddbab25 No.3750786

File: 1724124418849.jpg (1.36 MB, 756x9800, 1722138037334233.jpg)

This is so fucked up, but I couldn't help but laugh. Poor girl.

bc7d2af1 No.3750790

File: 1724128592126.jpeg (64.66 KB, 550x749, 254a33773aa8cdd9dbc7bee30….jpeg)

Oh man, welcome to the internet Katie.

8832ba96 No.3753279

File: 1726044436297.png (124.78 KB, 800x800, 1645891920782_u18chan.png)


How do modern generations butcher the English language?

a01e7cfd No.3753425

It pisses me off more when they use "your" instead of "you're" (ie. "your stupid") or "ys" instead of "ies" (ie. furrys/furries, strawberrys/strawberries).
This is stuff you're supposed to know after kindergarten/elementary school.

a5a19e08 No.3753438

I was a college freshman before I knew the difference between "effect" and "affect."

What bugs me is those who misuse to, too and two.

bddbab25 No.3753449

File: 1726156612910.png (8.55 KB, 742x604, 1723912237416540.png)

"Literally" gets shoehorned for so many adverbs nowadays, it's ridiculous. Another to add that that list is "simply".


I'm not buying your mental gymnastics rationalization. He literally doesn't know the meaning of "bear arms" in the constitutional context.

This instead:

I'm not buying your mental gymnastics rationalization. He simply doesn't know the meaning of "bear arms" in the constitutional context.

Confusing "then" and "than". Top cringe.

8832ba96 No.3753666

File: 1726292591587-0.jpg (187.27 KB, 1280x800, project-morrowind-books.jpg)

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Show us your books with blank pages for role playing games.

8832ba96 No.3753668

File: 1726293860563-0.jpg (175.98 KB, 872x772, book.jpg)

8832ba96 No.3753676

File: 1726303759660.png (178.09 KB, 1600x1200, lulz-book-pages-open.png)

Hmm needs page buttons, text options, sizes

8832ba96 No.3753677

File: 1726304585199.png (174.76 KB, 1600x1200, grids.png)

8832ba96 No.3753972

File: 1726560791257.jpg (172.52 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

What Will Future English Look Like?

8832ba96 No.3755089

File: 1727910679929.jpg (758.6 KB, 2560x3712, ReadingGoldieUpscaledFixed.jpg)

Fifty Whiskers Of Cheese

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