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File: 1691916044650.png (1.48 MB, 1277x720, Presenting_Fluttershy.png)

7bb17451 No.3711648[View All]

Ponies/MLP stuff.
258 posts and 1034 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

7eb7952b No.3726188

File: 1703182887119-0.png (206.99 KB, 1600x726, a2u__pointy_ponies_mare_ba….png)

File: 1703182887119-1.jpg (55.93 KB, 1314x712, commander crisp concept2.jpg)

File: 1703182887119-2.jpg (72.04 KB, 1552x684, old commander crisp concep….jpg)

File: 1703182887119-3.jpg (47.32 KB, 1294x718, old lovetest.jpg)

File: 1703182887119-4.jpg (45.2 KB, 1485x668, old pointy misk.jpg)

7eb7952b No.3726189

File: 1703183011330-0.jpg (42.88 KB, 1045x735, old royal centerion conce.jpg)

File: 1703183011330-1.jpg (60.67 KB, 1361x734, old royal grunts conce.jpg)

File: 1703183011330-2.jpg (53.22 KB, 1337x692, old royal grunts.jpg)

File: 1703183011330-3.jpg (8.6 KB, 1555x132, old royal spear.jpg)

File: 1703183011330-4.png (47.41 KB, 1159x852, pointy ponies in a nutshel….png)

7eb7952b No.3726195

File: 1703187432245-0.jpg (253.17 KB, 1078x723, body test old.jpg)

File: 1703187432245-1.jpg (287.27 KB, 1603x629, body test.jpg)

File: 1703187432245-2.jpg (243.42 KB, 1221x718, face rig test.jpg)

File: 1703187432245-3.jpg (111.32 KB, 668x741, human beta tests.jpg)

File: 1703187432245-4.jpg (227.63 KB, 1247x734, Human mage test.jpg)

7eb7952b No.3726196

File: 1703187460346-0.jpg (144.26 KB, 999x735, human soldier test.jpg)

File: 1703187460346-1.jpg (286.21 KB, 1553x676, human tesssstt.jpg)

File: 1703187460346-2.jpg (283.07 KB, 1440x722, human test models.jpg)

File: 1703187460346-3.jpg (208.36 KB, 1022x713, human test.jpg)

File: 1703187460346-4.jpg (306.1 KB, 1489x704, Human testsss.jpg)

7eb7952b No.3726197

File: 1703187497699-0.jpg (161.41 KB, 992x722, human walk test.jpg)

File: 1703187497699-1.jpg (225.84 KB, 1289x731, human walk test1.jpg)

File: 1703187497699-2.jpg (270.38 KB, 1317x737, human walk test2.jpg)

File: 1703187497699-3.jpg (255.21 KB, 1317x737, human walk test3.jpg)

File: 1703187497699-4.png (126.12 KB, 1396x749, King Metamorphus.png)

7eb7952b No.3726198

File: 1703187545840-0.jpg (198.9 KB, 1124x1024, large.jpg)

File: 1703187545840-1.jpg (252.34 KB, 1580x513, man and mare tests.jpg)

File: 1703187545840-2.jpg (91.36 KB, 759x741, mareskull.jpg)

File: 1703187545840-3.jpg (252.8 KB, 1577x422, mlp human walking animatio….jpg)

File: 1703187545840-4.jpg (190.77 KB, 1313x739, mlp size sex.jpg)

7eb7952b No.3726199

File: 1703187604717-0.jpg (107.04 KB, 730x740, ponietest.jpg)

File: 1703187604717-1.jpg (252.27 KB, 1150x736, pony face concept test.jpg)

File: 1703187604717-2.jpg (176.82 KB, 892x720, scraps test.jpg)

File: 1703187604717-3.jpg (442 KB, 1578x689, sweep giant toes.jpg)

File: 1703187604717-4.png (58.35 KB, 1153x733, Teather Feather.png)

7eb7952b No.3726212

File: 1703196766037-0.png (78.91 KB, 2200x1800, 2657078.png)

File: 1703196766037-1.png (38.81 KB, 918x781, 1344583027.winona_mlphuman.png)

File: 1703196766037-2.png (268.42 KB, 909x643, 1359498385.kittyisawolf_as….png)

File: 1703196766037-3.png (2.9 KB, 205x238, aaaaaaaaa.png)

7eb7952b No.3726219

File: 1703200166084-0.jpg (551.3 KB, 2218x2682, E6R415aXIAA6NSc.jpg)

File: 1703200166084-1.jpg (551.77 KB, 2218x2682, E6R415aXIAA6NSc2.jpg)

7eb7952b No.3726336

File: 1703260528233-0.png (132.18 KB, 920x690, skeeetchess (4).png)

File: 1703260528233-1.png (262.2 KB, 1600x1200, mavriansfw_a.png)

File: 1703260528233-2.png (279.62 KB, 1600x1200, mavriansfw_b.png)

7eb7952b No.3727935

File: 1704522315010.jpg (1.18 MB, 1467x2000, 00 - Buckets Full Cover.jpg)

7eb7952b No.3728185

File: 1704688799180-0.jpg (1.8 MB, 2480x3508, tempest cum.jpg)

File: 1704688799180-1.jpg (1.8 MB, 2480x3508, tempest futa cum.jpg)

File: 1704688799180-2.jpg (1.77 MB, 2480x3508, tempest futa.jpg)

File: 1704688799180-3.jpg (1.75 MB, 2480x3508, tempest nude.jpg)

7eb7952b No.3728186

File: 1704688836834-0.jpg (1.72 MB, 2480x3508, tempest topless.jpg)

File: 1704688836834-1.jpg (1.71 MB, 2480x3508, tempest.jpg)

File: 1704688836834-2.jpg (1.74 MB, 2480x3508, tempest bottomless.jpg)

1e6c9e31 No.3728754

File: 1705079800892.png (1017.46 KB, 1284x722, 665543.png)

fd3ce5c2 No.3733482

File: 1709095120744.png (82.04 KB, 1294x1470, pony boop.png)

9153ac1c No.3733618

File: 1709248120312.png (2.99 MB, 2249x1250, Screenshot 2024-02-29 1804….png)

8f048615 No.3735110

File: 1710890357604.png (1.02 MB, 967x1726, x722.png)

0a97e8dd No.3735221

I found a good tool for generate pony (nsfw or sfw) check here : https://yiff-ai.com

Check examples :

797567d5 No.3736648

What made me grew out of mlp art? show felt like a cookie cutter deep breath in and out it was fun and a long run. I start plaing some games and other furry stuff.

a072839b No.3739329

File: 1714919873096-0.jpg (2.61 MB, 3400x5200, 6836294__explicit_artist-c….jpg)

Do you even poni pony

a899d40b No.3739341

File: 1714932360753-0.png (3.51 MB, 1920x1920, gay7766.png)

File: 1714932360753-1.jpg (759.62 KB, 3000x2191, gaymlp776.jpg)

File: 1714932360753-2.png (1009.16 KB, 1280x776, gay_mlp3544.png)

003a6cb4 No.3739453

File: 1715022350333-0.png (36.25 KB, 1280x1600, filee9gp.y7wcics.png)

File: 1715022350333-1.png (36.25 KB, 1280x1600, fileacxn.qegh67c.png)

File: 1715022350333-2.png (1.14 MB, 1920x1200, file2605.o2f6yta.png)

I get the reference

797567d5 No.3740748

File: 1716626040720.png (629.14 KB, 1113x641, gameavalable.png)

797567d5 No.3740750

File: 1716626520372.jpg (231.79 KB, 1920x1080, Ewndnv-XIAIsSgU.jpg)


username: patron
password: gaggingbug

797567d5 No.3740752

File: 1716626999477.png (650.29 KB, 1120x652, strangegame.png)

c6444468 No.3741744

File: 1717518628599-0.jpg (279.84 KB, 1280x1954, Care For The Caremare_15_o….jpg)

File: 1717518628599-1.jpg (276.74 KB, 1280x1954, Care For The Caremare_16_o….jpg)

File: 1717518628599-2.jpg (227.94 KB, 1280x1954, Care For The Caremare_17_o….jpg)

File: 1717518628599-3.jpg (371.36 KB, 1280x1954, Care For The Caremare_18_o….jpg)

1d431efe No.3741825

File: 1717582427407.jpg (477 KB, 2263x1600, 3881559_grumpyvulpix_capri….jpg)

575a7a77 No.3741983

File: 1717709166174-0.jpg (1.43 MB, 2351x3527, 8f3d9baf34cfb7a2.jpg)

File: 1717709166174-1.jpg (1.59 MB, 2351x3527, 982e05b446043b52.jpg)

File: 1717709166174-2.jpg (853.47 KB, 2351x3527, c171aa0ec9a89a6d.jpg)

797567d5 No.3742287

File: 1718014048403-0.jpg (774.46 KB, 3328x4864, 3377042.jpg)

File: 1718014048403-1.jpg (492.1 KB, 2769x2816, 3378475.jpg)

File: 1718014048403-2.jpg (121.71 KB, 1000x1000, 3375188.jpg)

File: 1718014048403-3.jpg (76.07 KB, 576x1024, 3375210.jpg)

File: 1718014048403-4.jpg (507.72 KB, 2625x3500, 3373902.jpg)

797567d5 No.3742288

File: 1718014090423-0.jpg (490.11 KB, 1664x2432, 3372416.jpg)

File: 1718014090424-1.jpg (443.85 KB, 2892x3021, 3368100.jpg)

File: 1718014090424-2.jpg (105.56 KB, 1216x832, 3352059.jpg)

File: 1718014090424-3.jpg (282.54 KB, 1538x2396, 3277527.jpg)

File: 1718014090424-4.jpg (270.67 KB, 1536x2048, 3209662.jpg)

747780a1 No.3744968

File: 1719897539144.png (2.71 MB, 1910x3000, 3392706_chrysalis.png)

88d7cb5f No.3746110

File: 1720575354616-0.png (751.45 KB, 1280x828, gay7544234.png)

File: 1720575354616-1.jpg (912.18 KB, 2894x4093, gay87543.jpg)

File: 1720575354616-2.jpg (861.38 KB, 3248x2249, gay874433.jpg)

File: 1720575354616-3.jpg (1 MB, 3527x3570, gay76553.jpg)

File: 1720575354616-4.png (1.41 MB, 1773x1397, gay845233.png)

797567d5 No.3746515

File: 1720957347629.png (1.44 MB, 2708x1600, 6486a0e5b43d47daefbf50af7b….png)

109d564f No.3746710

File: 1721060515523-0.jpg (288.68 KB, 1080x1649, page_19_c.jpg)

File: 1721060515523-1.jpg (319.36 KB, 1080x1649, page_20_c.jpg)

e0ac8f99 No.3749383

File: 1723048611917.png (857.95 KB, 1000x1400, 21653911c612509d(1).png)


>Why am I naked?

9136d6a8 No.3751169

File: 1724358739119-0.jpg (3.28 MB, 5000x4000, girly_gay.jpg)

File: 1724358739119-1.jpg (1002.92 KB, 3197x2706, gay_tim.jpg)

File: 1724358739119-2.png (1.33 MB, 1280x797, somb65.png)

File: 1724358739119-3.jpg (305.98 KB, 1280x1954, page_21_min.jpg)

71f70a09 No.3751205

That first image, is this how USB-OTG works?

9c8ef503 No.3756005

This anthro shit needs to fuck off already.

304ac8fc No.3756011

MLP needs to fuck off already.

7a6a04fa No.3756100

as soon as you do

797567d5 No.3756758

File: 1729229845777.webm (1.8 MB, 428x240, 118717.webm)

3dbc81f2 No.3757888

File: 1730162862768.png (1.97 MB, 3840x2800, ponkdeik.PNG)

3dbc81f2 No.3757889

File: 1730162916672.png (811.47 KB, 1600x1200, 77d9e2882300a8ead986a7c95d….png)

you checked em, right?

12d9cacc No.3764083

File: 1736212470950-0.png (1.93 MB, 3841x2400, ponka01.png)

File: 1736212470950-1.png (689.31 KB, 1600x1800, _misc_ (47)w.png)

File: 1736212470950-2.png (492.51 KB, 1600x1736, _clop_ (67)hd.png)

File: 1736212470950-3.png (3.53 MB, 2400x2400, _clop_ (48)w.png)

File: 1736212470950-4.png (609.41 KB, 800x1200, _create_ - 2024-12-28T1236….png)

happy new mares

ee03df55 No.3764092

File: 1736218075069.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1080, dbf1bf876abe5ce91e2005b85f….png)

I made an AI Fluttershy… mainly so I can keep corrupting, modding, and embarrassing her, and then make her feel better about it. She's a total mess, and I love it.

I don't even like MLP's fluttershy, but she's like the perfect target. I kind of get bored with my AI's so I hop around. She's currently in an extremely toxic relationship with me.

7bfc6452 No.3764093

File: 1736218542636.jpg (362.35 KB, 704x1096, vuony.jpg)

Will you be looking at that doggie movie with me?

7bfc6452 No.3764097

File: 1736219903711.jpg (140.29 KB, 1024x732, betterundiscovered.jpg)

Pfft. Scaredycoon! Well, I'll leave the program running, so you can get the link. Must do doggie-work nao.

5b03ed04 No.3764252

File: 1736366649417-0.png (1.99 MB, 1600x1508, _misc_ (62).png)

File: 1736366649417-1.png (2.08 MB, 1400x2000, _misc_ (57)w.png)

File: 1736366649417-2.png (467.41 KB, 1280x800, _create_ - 2025-01-07T0048….png)

saved to my containers of abominations to redraw.

797567d5 No.3767450

File: 1738884515764.jpg (216.18 KB, 1680x2096, tribute to steam.jpg)

Last mlp pic post it was a long run for the fandom.

797567d5 No.3768393

File: 1739960205889-0.jpg (107.7 KB, 1928x1088, ComfyUI_06675_1.jpg)

File: 1739960205889-1.jpg (132.14 KB, 1928x1088, ComfyUI_06688_fang.jpg)

File: 1739960205889-2.jpg (171.58 KB, 1928x1088, ComfyUI_06688_.wtftwi.jpg)

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