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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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60ce1112 No.3711211

Check out my website for prices and over 30 full-story samples. Why not hire a professional who has been doing this for 15 years.
Website is www.writtencommissions.com for more samples and all that jazz.
I offer free re-writes and edits - because customer satisfaction is central to me. Discord me will normally get an immediate reply.
Discord: WrittenCommissions#2072

2340cd4b No.3711214

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A while back, I had a thread where I wrote short little stories on request. I definitely admire people that can write about anything on demand. I tried taking a private commission, but I found I wasn't making any headway (payment would have been on delivery, no big deal).

Is SoFurry still the place to go for furry writers?

2aeaf101 No.3711225

I remember when sofurry was called yiffstar

Haven't been there in a while

8e72078a No.3711231

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>I offer free re-writes and edits - because customer satisfaction is central to me.

So you copy and paste what they give you it into chatgpt and ask it to re-write it in the style of Stephen King then pretend you actually worked hard at it?

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