ebc0aa71 No.3708634
>>3708633seriously, my two rules were
"do not instigate Dan" and
"do not even think of posting in a cub thread"
what did he do? He slammed on the gas and drove right into dan and cub thread town.
a52261b5 No.3708657
alias-world problems.
e38dac19 No.3708662
>>3708628Not your personal army.
Stop trying to be a furry fascist.
ebc0aa71 No.3708753
>>3708752I actually adopted this name from someone on wtfur during the transition, and we had a common interest in steampunk.
I don't really have any summerfags to work with since image boards fell out of favor, so I worked with what I had. It just sucks that my ego won't let luz go without a Steam. I don't care if its me or not.
644e8466 No.3708757
As if anything SteamThePathologicalLiar says can be believed.
15b01d42 No.3722643
I'd like to make it known that Steam raped both me, and my dog. Also yes, ban him.
81200631 No.3722648
>>3722647I've only had sex with Unell and Fancy, I did meet Cobalt Blaze but I introduced myself as Jazz Jackrabit and he didn't get the reference, and we quickly split ways. Still we met, he just didn't know it.
I was in Hamilton doing some IT work for Fisher Scientific, and looked him up on the now defunct Pounced website.
cdf66157 No.3722781
>>3722749As many here are probably aware, some species, especially reptiles, actually do have two penises.
Sort of.
But they're usually side by side.
354d8de7 No.3742555
>>3742544You might have a bunch of tentacles, but I apparently have two dicks.
I neither confirm or deny any accusations.
I will say that I have two fleshlights, and I'm not going to expand on that.
ff1dabe3 No.3742581
>>3742555I had one of those but it split in two on the end because I went too hard on it. I thought they would be more stretchy.
568c37de No.3742586
>>3742555moderation of tentacles is imperative to success