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You messed with me~

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6e3d6d82 No.3708628

Petition to permaban Steam and all of his clones because he admitted to letting Aufy use his name to avoid a ban.

ebc0aa71 No.3708633

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I gave Aufy the Steam reins for a whole 30 seconds to delete a few posts and maybe make a few chaotic neutral posts, and instead he jumped right back into exactly what got him banned in the first place.

Other than essentially letting someone test drive my car, I've never broken a rule. Even then, I didn't give him a proxy or tell him how to, I just gave him permission to use my name. Which much like waking up drunk, is not illegal.

ebc0aa71 No.3708634

File: 1689300662008.gif (559.27 KB, 500x375, 8TX5.gif)

seriously, my two rules were
"do not instigate Dan" and
"do not even think of posting in a cub thread"

what did he do? He slammed on the gas and drove right into dan and cub thread town.

a52261b5 No.3708657

alias-world problems.

e38dac19 No.3708662

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Not your personal army.
Stop trying to be a furry fascist.

ebc0aa71 No.3708752

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I was fully ready to drop the name and walk away if the Aufy experiment worked. I'm like a super spicy native Thai dish, crazy hot but tolerable because the sugar counterbalances the spice, and then replicated using ingredients from foreign lands that don't have all the same properties. It always either turns unbearably spicy or unbearably sweet. Aufy is just all spice. I was an idiot thinking he could mimic me, since i figured he learned his lesson and would behave for at least a few seconds to rehearse the part.

Still, I guess I'm an idiot for assuming he could go a full hour without me having to try to do irreparable damage control to keep the act up.

I guess when you are the best at something, you just have to accept that weight. This isn't the first time I've tried to pass on the name with similar results.

ebc0aa71 No.3708753

File: 1689409687152.png (1.26 MB, 493x799, 1267410452.steam_124141089….png)

I actually adopted this name from someone on wtfur during the transition, and we had a common interest in steampunk.

I don't really have any summerfags to work with since image boards fell out of favor, so I worked with what I had. It just sucks that my ego won't let luz go without a Steam. I don't care if its me or not.

644e8466 No.3708757

As if anything SteamThePathologicalLiar says can be believed.

ebc0aa71 No.3708767

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well, I have records on the Discord app, but the mods realized that he wasn't me anyways. He was just a silly little imp I gave too much credit to, so really who cares?

He's doubly gone now. Gone from multiple platforms.

8ea92c88 No.3722632

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> This isn't the first time I've tried to pass on the name with similar results.
Who else did you give it to?

8364aafc No.3722638

File: 1700809606398.jpg (86.37 KB, 800x665, 0ef85b320c679e765719c16558….jpg)

> Petition to permaban Steam
I second the motion.

15b01d42 No.3722643

I'd like to make it known that Steam raped both me, and my dog. Also yes, ban him.

81200631 No.3722644

File: 1700811377215.jpg (17.26 KB, 400x400, aSxvz8Ju_400x400.jpg)

I have ED and an extreme dislike of people. I can guarantee I've never had any intercourse with you other than maybe telling you the name of the book I was reading. Even then its very unlikely.

81200631 No.3722645

File: 1700811497881.jpg (132.5 KB, 993x1024, 6e78778c9526ab01485b7c501e….jpg)

Unless you can tell me the town I live in, and the name of the park I usually go to to read.

81200631 No.3722647

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I've never had sex with a dog, but I will say anyone who has ever had sex with me has regretted it. I'm as the ancient poets put it, an insufferable asshole. I like the title.

81200631 No.3722648

I've only had sex with Unell and Fancy, I did meet Cobalt Blaze but I introduced myself as Jazz Jackrabit and he didn't get the reference, and we quickly split ways. Still we met, he just didn't know it.

I was in Hamilton doing some IT work for Fisher Scientific, and looked him up on the now defunct Pounced website.

6da66a48 No.3722704

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> I'd like to make it known that Steam raped both me, and my dog
Which one did Steam rape first? The world wants to know.

940f2833 No.3722713

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Both at the same time. He's got two dicks.

81200631 No.3722749

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cdf66157 No.3722781

File: 1700889762152.jpg (5.81 MB, 4000x4000, 7c6b46849e3ba540ddd711f6d2….jpg)

As many here are probably aware, some species, especially reptiles, actually do have two penises.
Sort of.
But they're usually side by side.

03a1d8a0 No.3742531

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354d8de7 No.3742543

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568c37de No.3742544

File: 1718235221445.jpg (155.54 KB, 1440x1440, s-l1600.jpg)

While you cringe posted I studied the goon.
While you rallied and divided back and forth on pol I mastered the nofap technique
While you flamingly anti-memed in the pursuit of despacito I cultivated in vengeance lurking.
Now, when your power is waning before the pathetic L you've created you have the bukbuk to ask me to fn-feel-sars?

354d8de7 No.3742555

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You might have a bunch of tentacles, but I apparently have two dicks.

I neither confirm or deny any accusations.

I will say that I have two fleshlights, and I'm not going to expand on that.

ff1dabe3 No.3742581

I had one of those but it split in two on the end because I went too hard on it. I thought they would be more stretchy.

568c37de No.3742586

moderation of tentacles is imperative to success

8322f0aa No.3759363

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e07992c7 No.3759373

Who's the ugly TRANNY?

e07992c7 No.3759374

>>Has two Dicks
And one is circumcised and the other is not, correct?

e07992c7 No.3759375

I hope nobody actually tries this, using electricity this WAY can send voltage and current through your heart and stop it, or cause abnormal heartbeat.

ec027a4c No.3760693

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Some people attach electrodes to their nipples and run current past their heart. Hopefully no one has died, yet.

47b8134c No.3760701

c9c6df73 No.3760702

They are third party edits originally from the Twitter artist Bombay.

b58a0c15 No.3760743

There's a 20 fold difference in the amount of current you will feel as painful, and the amount that can potentially kill you.

Most electrostimulation devices limit the current at 5-6 milliamps, which is enough to cause extremely painful and uncontrollable muscle cramps. The danger limit for sticking electrodes across your chest is 20 milliamps.

b58a0c15 No.3760744

And, if we're talking about DC current from a battery, the limit for danger is above 500 milliamps. That's because the current is not pulsing, so it's not messing up with the rhythm of your heart. Nerves only respond to pulses of current, not to steady current flow, so for DC the danger is about cooking your flesh on the inside instead of stopping your heart.

Technically, DC current will polarize the ion channels in the nerves and stop them from operating, so you can paralyze your heart temporarily by running enough current through it, but it takes a lot.

3bb67d4f No.3760764

> so for DC the danger is about cooking your flesh on the inside instead of stopping your heart.

False. Steady DC current causes tissue distruction by iontophoresis. This happens at far lower current levels than "cooking."

b58a0c15 No.3760767


That doesn't appear to have much to do with the point, at least in the immediate time scale.

DC current can mess up with your biochemical functions, but only if you keep a battery hooked up to yourself for hours on end.

18a8daf7 No.3760768

I am not responsible for what empty headed "newage" nobodys try to redefine the term on Wikipedia. If you are truly interested in the true meaning of the term then you must consult medical journals and medical texts. I will spend no time attempting to educate you.

0e8ce18a No.3760776

DC voltage is weird, a friend of mine was working on a truck battery cable with a wrench when, he's not exactly sure, but he thinks he accidently touched the wrench to both the + and - battery terminals at the same time. There was a big shower of sparks, some smoke, and it melted the wrench, like, immediately! Yet he said he was unharmed and never felt anything, and the wrench was not hot, yet it was melted
How is this possible??

568c37de No.3760778

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What a fanciful play and such large eyebrows for a queen. The people came to see the Execution. I will have to sneak in some chocolate and elixirs to the show. I am just so bored waiting for the big steamy porker to DIEEEEEEE i mean get the boot!

410fab15 No.3765092

File: 1737109273060.png (2.03 MB, 1704x1280, 058fd3675d74b4bd09ab13ecc8….png)

Im so glad the mods decided to permaban that pedo from the site. His pedophillia was making everyone look bad

593c3896 No.3765291

Which Trump supporter got banned?

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