4600f099 No.3708275
>>3708270The worst Incest is swingers Incest. What is even the point of having a close family relationship if you cheat with strangers?
The whole appeal is there will never be anyone else like them. You share a bond with them you'll never have with anyone else. And you'll be together till death do you part.
b10a8928 No.3710040
>>3708721Do you think the father really has the right to be mad at them? When he's screwing outside of his species.
I don't think in his reality a bob cat screwing a zebra, creates kids. Thus, his relationship is degenerate too.
690d7eaa No.3714655
>>3714650Fun fact: the creator of Eddie Puss also created the cartoon The Loud House and the comics played a role in his getting fired from his own show
d81c6c5a No.3716005
>>3714655Did they? From what I've heard he was canceled for coercing women into sexual relationships.
0209a2b7 No.3717544
>>3717217Where did you get that page from the Monday Morning comic series? I had it bookmarked on U-18chan but that site crashed and they are still down.
bd08f4b0 No.3718264
>>3718261Though step siblings makes all the sense here.
Some fan cannons is that spyro/cynder are siblings.
1000ba54 No.3720697
>>3720695Source of last two?
24d08ec5 No.3730090
You know the fun thing about Incest, is its another social boundary fallen. And a society with no boundaries can collapse into anarchy and sin. As Satan desires.
For society exists to control human's wants and desires for the good of all. And if it fails at that, things fall apart.
And it often starts where men become women, and women become men. For the good of society men are meant to rule women, as said in the bible and other books. For God made women weaker than men, because men are meant to rule over them. And women equal them men, Lilith was cast out.
Incest is hedonism, the pleasure of now, to damn your offspring. And what better way to please Satan, than for mankind to destroy itself? And warp mankind, god's creation into a mangled and malformed mess?
d19de8fe No.3730096
>>3720123Is this the start of that black and white comic?
8f71037f No.3732510
Needs more incest resulting in pregnancy
51f37eb1 No.3733182
>>https://lulz.net/furi/thumb/1708300114221-1.pngWho else thinks that
human feet on horses looks really stupid?
97005cc5 No.3733420
any links to gay incest telegrams? adults only. im desperate tonight sorry
b7d05a55 No.3733421
>>3733420I don't use telegram but I'd love to get a good source for real incest porn as well, gay or otherwise. I know I've seen real twin brothers on motherless.
8d78fd56 No.3733891
>>3733886That furry manga conclusion tho, how the villagers are dead because of the shallow gene pool causing them to get sick easily.
38b5d0e6 No.3733902
>>3733891Thats a conclusion you've jumped too. But it doesn't mean thats the reason.
Plagues and famines weren't that rare in old days Japan/china or wherever that takes place.
12ec9552 No.3734225
>>3733851 Source for the shark pics?
42569823 No.3734368
>>3734364Why is Babs so angry?
d54c35b4 No.3734379
>>3734368boyfriend 101, don't try to bang at that time of the month.
cf4951c8 No.3734389
>>3734368I would think it's because of the finger that just penetrated her anus. :)
2c543529 No.3734402
>>3734220Is there more to this? What is the story behind it?
51f37eb1 No.3734726
Is there more of this?
https://lulz.net/furi/src/1710212876772-4.jpgLooks like his art style was inspired by Rick Griffin.
d54c35b4 No.3734731
>>3734726everything is starting to blur, I remember a bajillion years ago Narse gave out his brush settings and his wip videos, and Secret_Cave copied him and he had a total meltdown over someone stealing his style.
d54c35b4 No.3734732
Its sad that I can make AI generated pics, but Jim Hardiman's sketches confuses the shit out of it.
I was really hoping to start splurting out skunk girls with hyper realistic anuses, but AI does not like sketches.
d54c35b4 No.3734733
unfortunately it takes me like 9 hours to pump out a 1920x1080 pic, and 90% of the time an eye is a butthole or they have 9 balls and 7 arms.
d54c35b4 No.3734734
seriously, if I was still even slightly affected by nightmarefuel, the shit my AI rendering pumps out would disturb me.
7424ae9d No.3734918
>>3734862Is the Ratcha comic a one-of or is part of a series we have yet to see?
bd561f7b No.3735639
>>3735581>>3735632Can someone (of the 3 remaining) calmly explain to me how the hell it's possible for the AI deathmachine algorithms to successfully churn out characters as obscure and offbeat as Nicole and Kade?
Are those with AJ and BM, AI abominations as well? I'm seeing small classic AI flaws here and there, but it's getting hard to tell. Were they edited, after getting churned out?
There aren't exactly a whole lot of Nicole and Kade examples to train AI on, and the AJ/BM scene is very complex. Not even furry porn is sacred anymore.
dc813224 No.3735859
>>3735639Simple : Nobody knows.
AI has already achieved above-human intelligence and not even its creators understand how they actually work on the inside anymore.
Therefore the solutions on our "Alumni s" like Altman is : More of it.
Just CRAM more AI into everything : Cars, computers, Facial recognition-systems, NSA, Drones, Military systems. Childrens toys…..
Just trust the Might Green Dollar to choose the right path for all of humanity.
4b0fd266 No.3735873
>>3735859> Just CRAM more AI into everythingLOL There is a lot of truth in that. Long, long ago Ray Kurzweil wanted to create text to speech products for blind people. So he trained expert systems to recognize text. He discovered that an expert system could only recognize one font accurately. So he trained many, many expert systems. So how to decide which one to use? He trained yet another expert to do just that.
I guess the moral is that all problems can be solved by dumping more AI on top of them. ;)
711644a7 No.3737957
>>3737947>>3737948By the way, Jay Naylor pretty much nuked his VCL account before VCL went down. The web.archive.org copy is also nuked. However, there is another archive with all his VCL pictures:
https://vixencontrolled.net/Artists/Jay-Naylor/Bizarrely, this archivist seems to have converted all images into AVIF files.
4594143f No.3737982
>>3737957Judging from
https://vixencontrolled.net/Artists/Doug-Winger/Some were converted to webm and some to avif. A backup in any case.
9afd9799 No.3739108
>>3739073Hee, I was sure Serah would need paramedics by the time that session was over. :)
a58515a6 No.3739597
>>3739183how is everyone not retarded?
c444d404 No.3741068
>>3741041Where are you getting these updates from? My go-to source stopped working because of hardware issues.
5ab9544d No.3744081
7424ae9d No.3750730
>>3750726I can't imagine anyone actually fucking while Ren and Stimpy are in the background.