96376b18 No.3707444
1592c8e3 No.3714837
Another Steam thread that he will delete on Christmas Day, just like years past.
0d642a81 No.3714843
>>3714466His artwork got me into this fandom.
38142750 No.3726790
>>3726762Loona is one gal I would NOT want to unwrap in this situation with that look on her face. Whosoever got her like this is a dead imp/demon walking.
d55628c0 No.3726792
>>3726790true that wuld be a deathwish for anybody but she also has stds and is going to rot ur dick off if u did anything anyway so basically its a damned if u do or dont
57412c3c No.3726883
>>3726792She's a cartoon the only std is the one in your brain
38142750 No.3726913
>>3726883I don't believe Loona has any STDs. She said that line about the cure for syphilis to shock him when he told her he had a present for her. She's a bitch in every sense of the word, you'd have to be a masochist to get involved with her.
38142750 No.3726984
>>3726966Pretty much spot on, save my vision of her is more violent and far less accommodating.