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057a80db No.3738780

I know almost everyone into sonic are super autistic, but I just binge watched the movies, and started on the knuckles series on paramont. I have to admit, they are pretty good. I'd say you can only appreciate them if you were a 90's kid and had a Sega, but still… guiltily good.

First thing Sega has done well since the dreamcast.

87db3707 No.3738805

sonic cum contest challenge

057a80db No.3738807

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No thank you, that would take like 15 milliseconds, and I don't feel like having hedgehog cum farts for several weeks.

057a80db No.3738808

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Knuckles though, I could get into, I bet he plows like a bulldozer.

057a80db No.3738809

well the original Knuckles, the later models turned him into a fucking retard.

87db3707 No.3738861

you mean the meme models? not exclusive to knuckles obv, but also people are really manipulated by stupid shit and memes are easy to make up if you also just hate on shit.

057a80db No.3738887

No I mean like in the original lore, he was fairly well read on the history of his people, and was a badass… punchy guy.

Then he was just a stupid punchy guy.

Then in the movies and the new "knuckles" series on paramont, he's super neive, and has 0 social skills, but he's still tactical af. So he Isn't a dumbass. Tactical knowledge is still a form of intelligence.

057a80db No.3738888

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I don't know how many of you have worked around these kinds of people, but in factories you always have at least one guy who is just stupid as hell, can't read, but for some reason has all the abilities. Like knowledge and skills that they have no logical reason to possess.

Thats the original knuckles.

f788f362 No.3738941

so he is the differently abled version of sonic and thats good so long as he remains illeterate

057a80db No.3738970

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honestly that's what I liked about the Sega sonic series, unlike Nintendo's mario where everyone talked, sonic managed to get its point across with no dialog. It was what made it a work of art.

057a80db No.3738972

I mean sure you had that weird combo of cartoony sonic full of chillie dogs, and the nightmare post apocalyptic series that for some reason happened at the same time…

I enjoyed them both equally as a kid, but the games had a certain charm…. well other than knock offs like that stupid but enjoyable pinball thing, that competely retarded 3d thing, and those retarded gameboy things…

honestly I consider sonic 2-3+K the only real games.

057a80db No.3738973

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I even tried to get into the IDK comics that took place after sonic 3+K, but tbh, they were boring and tedious.

057a80db No.3738974

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these two from the series did give me a gay lesbian boner though.

87db3707 No.3738992

pretty sure the stakes of sonic are a little more than the typical doing your mom princess rape scene and more of a genocide approach of all things being turned into robots, either case its fairly likely. mario had lots of time for chit chat while sonic clearly was about averting a doomsday scenario when idling around either implies that the end result is likely going to be unfavorable, sonic was able to do so in confidence, true, but in mario it was just that peach was going to end up taking a dick which isn't that -that big of a deal- as far as end game is concerned.

057a80db No.3738993

Well SEGA is an acronym for soldier enforced game apparatus. It was originally made for the army.

So yeah, the games were made to be more violent than Nintendo's stuff.

f788f362 No.3738995

Abbreviated Coded Renditions Of Nifty Yakking Mnemonics

057a80db No.3738996

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They also had a much faster CPU/GPU… chip thing, which is why Sonic was ever even a thing.

He was supposed to show off the power of the SEGA's chip.

057a80db No.3738997

thus why mario is like "boing, boing" and SEGA's stuff was like 'HOLYSHITSOFASTDRINK10GALLONSOFJOLOLTORFUCKYOU"

057a80db No.3738998

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The military likes their acronyms. I asked about several of them when I was in, and its usually just like "no one even remembers."

No one even remembered what my squadron's acronym stood for. It was just lost in time.

f788f362 No.3738999

its all jolotor these days

f788f362 No.3739001

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8ce8ef59 No.3739003

> The military likes their acronyms. I asked about several of them when I was in, and its usually just like "no one even remembers."
I think it's funny when military acronyms get out into the general public. Most people have no idea what they really mean.

SNAFU – Situation Normal, All Fucked Up
FUBAR – Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

I'm suspicious about the bodybuilding slang "buff" also. It is a lot like the military BUF, Big Ugly Fucker.

057a80db No.3739005

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It was pretty disturbing, I was the historian/librarian for the squadron, so I wanted to document all that shit.

But it was like, not there, there was no record of what A.B.E. stood for, 90% of our operations since the Vietnam era were barely documented, and most of our preventative maintenance records were just labled as "done." Wtf does that even mean? Fuck.

As a through individual, who likes detailed uniform reports, it was a fucking nightmare.

057a80db No.3739006

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I just concluded that "ABE" stood for "always be early."

Definitely not the original meaning, but also not entirely inaccurate.

118de6f4 No.3739007

Ah yes, a classic "backronym."

f788f362 No.3739010

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there is so little fat kurama narotu fucking fat sonic and tails orgy art out there.

057a80db No.3739019

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Not going to lie, I had no idea what SNAFU or FUBAR meant. I was a tech/librarian/historian. I didn't really ever have to call random stuff in.

I kind of assumed a FUBAR was like a spanner, its not unusual for a guy to drop a spanner when all weird positioned in a factory. The terms "throwing in a spanner" and "FUBARing it" are usually used interchangeably.

The air force doesn't exactly share the same lingo as the other forces. Its not even uncommon for airmen to salute random marines because of their hats.

We are like the Enclave to the BHoS. We're Science nerds who are disconnected from everyone else.

057a80db No.3739020

also that is an extremely fringe fetish.

I don't even know where to begin.

f788f362 No.3739022

Already Been Euthanizeds
pretty bad tag imo

ed551b79 No.3739030

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057a80db No.3739047

kinda funny, except for the fact that my unit was designed specifically to outlast humanity in the case of a nuclear war.

f788f362 No.3739120

sounds like you got the my squad is special treatment tbh

057a80db No.3739134

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we got "special treatment." After the cold war ended we were basically defunded. BYO toilet paper, if you washed your hands no paper towels (thats what pants are for), and no fuel. Airman power, throw enough people at a pallet and they can move it without a forklift.

Also 120 degrees and 0 humidity? Fuck you, still not turning on the broken AC units.

057a80db No.3739136

Plus it was over an hour away from anywhere worth while visiting, the only restaurant on base was a taco bell, and the only bar was a 4 lane bowling alley, with 3 broken lanes, that only served bud light in pitchers.

My only outlet was A LOT of DnD… and it was freakishly stealthy DnD. Well and also fight club, but we don't talk about fight club.

057a80db No.3739139

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And also this really freakish game called "the gauntlet." When all the sprinklers turned on, we'd dodge, roll, and sprint through them, and the person who was the least wet at the end was the winner.

It was surprisingly fun.

057a80db No.3739140

speaking of the no AC thing, I rigged up two hoses, a bucket of ice, and a radiator I got from a junkyard ductaped to a box fan.

It was awesomely refreshing, but I had to toss it, because it was a waste of resources (water), even though it was just a trickle.

057a80db No.3739141

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kinda the reason I was able to rebuild this house into the pleasure fortress that it is now. I was poor for so long that I just eventually learned to jury rig literally anything into anything.

057a80db No.3739212

hell, it was so hot, even if you didn't win, you still technically win.

87db3707 No.3739213

pretty sure taco bell serves gatorade doesnt it

057a80db No.3739237

Powerade. The electrolytes are what your body needs, and what crops need to grow.

057a80db No.3739238

and yes I am making a reference to Idiocrocy. Also fuck taco bell and their 13 dollar shit burritos.

They won't even make the quesareto anymore, which was like the only good thing they ever did.

057a80db No.3739239

:/ i remember when their burritos were a dollar. then it was 1.50, which was ok, then suddenly 13 dollars… its just…. why?

057a80db No.3739240

seriously, after covid a lot of local mexican restraunts started doing road side service. Like why go to taco bell when you can get something decent?

a2cdbd4d No.3739244

> mexican restraunts
You spell almost as bad as Aufy the retard.

I'm sure a lot of local Mexican restaurants died an ignominious death during the covid lockdown. They are probably the ones selling corn from pushcarts now.

057a80db No.3739250

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im drunk 95% of the time, when I'm not drunk, I'm sobering up to go buy more alcohol.

Its amazing that I can spell at all with all the high proof vodka constantly running through my system. Given that I rarely misspell anything, and I'm constantly programming and building computers while totally sloshed is like a miracle of nature or something. I'm a total anomaly.

057a80db No.3739251

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When I'm sober, I turn into basically a wise god of vengeance. I hate it, no one should have to deal with so much thinking. Its torture.

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