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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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19118bdc No.3724962

I i sbe herin sum happy ass new s yo! The mofuckas who make damn ass women btich shit My Little Ppony is be goin otua biznis yo! Serve they mofuckas right fo hatin White men an shit! This be what gona happin yo ta anywun who go ginst Wjite man! Yeah! No w Ima go masturbate to how happy this shit be makin me! I bet both my Wghoite Powr baby daddies gonna get so haooy bout this they stick it in my butt to!White pwoer!

0712d837 No.3725014

What the hell are you talking about

f314d5fe No.3725018

You must be a boomer.

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