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7faa29d2 No.3721943

are u evil or good

718b75a7 No.3721945

File: 1700114517347.jpeg (459.51 KB, 2048x2048, F9TWfNwXIAAIJAe.jpeg)

Chaotic good.

61b6b94b No.3721951

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There's no laws against the pokemon Batman!


4e5ff28f No.3721954

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Fuck if I know. I try to be a positive influence, but some days I feel I backslide. Threeb's called me an asshole, a monster, and… oh yeah, a genocidal maniac. Based on absolutely nothing. Ofc I think he's wrong, but it's important to recognize my capacity for great evil.

96c98371 No.3723064

File: 1701128632842.gif (3.27 MB, 498x331, johan-liebert-monster.gif)

ive been evilmaxxing lately

4e5ff28f No.3723069

>Johan Liebert
The rooftop game he taught those kids was pretty messed up. But is he really max evil?

4e5ff28f No.3723072

Y'know, that's actually pretty damn evil. Answered my own question.

d2095f23 No.3723198

is it a guessing game?

4e5ff28f No.3723215

You mean the rooftop game? No, it's where kids on a rooftop are told to close their eyes and start walking. They either survive (win and play again) and see the world through new eyes or die (lose) and prove unworthy of life, according to Johan Liebert. He convinced the kids this was a fun game, they in turn taught other kids how to play, and a bunch of them died. Johan Liebert is the principal antagonist in Naoki Urasawa's manga series, Monster.

61649b03 No.3723222

File: 1701221323725.png (507.95 KB, 1134x1360, 1698764191.rusheloc_robins….png)

Shockingly, I'm a good guy. Just kinda the anti-hero kind.

fd120f27 No.3723233

File: 1701224784393.png (688.92 KB, 1306x1045, Fiona_5654.png)

Evil of course.

718b75a7 No.3723263


I don't think you're evil, you're like a cat that catches a mouse and plays with it before letting it go. So chaotic neutral.

c1dcefba No.3724600

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It is neither good nor evil it is I am much Worse an "accident" let's say created something that could benefit for the good and it also benefit for evil congrats you created a division among the nation of people; this picture not only hurts your eye but your soul.

c1dcefba No.3724604

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build a garage to make it look like it was abandoned create animal art with spray paint it surrounding you walls and spray paint the pentagram on the floor and coat it with red and purple candles find a cheap foam mattress add 3d printed female wolf skeletons and connect them with strings having flesh lights and dildos attached to them and call it an art museum of hell send Steam over there to make it even more cursed to increase the value of dark cult worshippers!

0ba98858 No.3724632

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a4baac48 No.3724680

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0dd00b38 No.3724834

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People who claim to be chaotic good are usually sociopaths trying to pass themselves off as heroes.

b32ff283 No.3724837

Good enough not to be evil, yet good enough not to be good.

Probably Chaotic Neutral at best, but some of my personal thoughts could arguably shift to Lawful Evil.

f71e1c93 No.3724839

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Never claimed to be a hero. I just have mental health issues that make me unpredictable off my pills, while remaining mostly altruistic.

c1dcefba No.3724867

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A negligible low life parasite; an accident result in injury of others, is it just me or society is getting crazier? passive evil it is!

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